10-08-2016, 03:05 PM
You are right LL, but with one little Leafpad quirk. If a / forward slash is added after the IPv4 address, before the bookmark name, the letters of the bookmark name will come up in lower case in the GUI regardless of whether you entered them in upper case in Leafpad , also the forward slash is added automatically between the address and bookmark name to the gtk-3.0 text file after you close and reopen Thunar whether you entered it there or not. New users checking on this afterwards would notice the difference, and could enter future bookmarks with theĀ / forward slash and be confused by the improperly displayed upper/lower cases. If you capitalize from the rename function in the GUI the forward slash is added in the gtk-3.0 file and the upper case letters remain properly displayed. I didn't want to explain Leafpad functionality other then adding connection addresses to avoid confusion for new users.
You can also right click on a displayed passwordless Samba connection and bookmark it from the GUI in Thunar, but this does not suit our previous tutorials for Windows administrative file access on the Windows 10 HE box as it cannot be done before the first prompt for authentication thus defeating our purpose. Also adding users names and specific file access is fine, but we have set our connections up from the beginning as if we are working as a network administrator with full file access to each of our remote connections. If we were to refine our praxis for say some minor programming work, we would work with Double Commander instead, SSH keys, and set up specific hotlists which works much faster and only requires one connection. I am always writing of the least confusing ways for new users, Windows converts, dual booters, and the clicker user guys and gals, to access Linux networking power across platforms.
You can also right click on a displayed passwordless Samba connection and bookmark it from the GUI in Thunar, but this does not suit our previous tutorials for Windows administrative file access on the Windows 10 HE box as it cannot be done before the first prompt for authentication thus defeating our purpose. Also adding users names and specific file access is fine, but we have set our connections up from the beginning as if we are working as a network administrator with full file access to each of our remote connections. If we were to refine our praxis for say some minor programming work, we would work with Double Commander instead, SSH keys, and set up specific hotlists which works much faster and only requires one connection. I am always writing of the least confusing ways for new users, Windows converts, dual booters, and the clicker user guys and gals, to access Linux networking power across platforms.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.