07-21-2016, 09:48 PM
I assume you are speaking of posting code to WordPress. If so just use your native editor or vim, and use the css wrap code from there.
Otherwise you can fool with the emacs, but you will run into unnecessary problems depending on what your system will see. I/E boot screen functions, and other minibuff functions will override your setting. Global is overkill. Just get your editor configured for the WP wrap code.
I can't walk you through the WordPress setup, as I never use it, but I bet vim will work fine with it.
Otherwise you can fool with the emacs, but you will run into unnecessary problems depending on what your system will see. I/E boot screen functions, and other minibuff functions will override your setting. Global is overkill. Just get your editor configured for the WP wrap code.
I can't walk you through the WordPress setup, as I never use it, but I bet vim will work fine with it.
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