06-27-2016, 09:22 AM
The N2600/2800 (and others) sport a graphics module that Intel contracted out to a 3rd Party software company called Power VR that will never allow their code to be released for Linux. Consequently, you're left with Xorg Modesetting (which Puppy will enable with their xorgwizard, e.g. Tahr 6,0.5_noPAE, Slacko 6.3.0), or limited function GMA 500 Poulsbo drivers, or VESA safe mode (or maybe they're all one and the same?). The point being that what graphics you get come mostly, if not entirely, via the cpu, NOT the graphics module (except in Windows of course!). Also, what limited driver support there is only works in 32 bit, or so I've read.
The upshot is that even LL isn't light ENOUGH as it is installed. I have experimented with about 30 different distros using an Easy2Boot multiboot formatted USB thumb drive. I've had the best luck so far with Manjaro Fluxbox 15.12 (and the aforementioned Tahr & Slacko), with solid runners up Manjaro JWM 16.06.1, Porteus 3,1 LXQt, Archbang-openRC & Bunsenlabs, Antix-MX-15.01, and, surprisingly, Kali Light 2016.1, Makulu 10, and LXLE & Xubuntu 14.04.4. Pretty much in that order. And Linux Lite after that.
But ALWAYS bogged down by Firefox, Seamonkey, or Opera. Pale Moon is a little better. Haven't been able to find a distro that sports Midori AND recognizes my wifi. Am going to try Elementary and wifiSlax tomorrow. We'll see. BTW, the N2600 netbooks by Acer, Gateway, and HP will work with DDR3 4GB RAM cards, though Win Starter only recognizes 2. My HP Mini 1104 came with 32 bit Home Premium, which recognizes "2.99GB".
This Ubuntu forum thread discusses the gist of the woes with N2600 cpu's
The upshot is that even LL isn't light ENOUGH as it is installed. I have experimented with about 30 different distros using an Easy2Boot multiboot formatted USB thumb drive. I've had the best luck so far with Manjaro Fluxbox 15.12 (and the aforementioned Tahr & Slacko), with solid runners up Manjaro JWM 16.06.1, Porteus 3,1 LXQt, Archbang-openRC & Bunsenlabs, Antix-MX-15.01, and, surprisingly, Kali Light 2016.1, Makulu 10, and LXLE & Xubuntu 14.04.4. Pretty much in that order. And Linux Lite after that.
But ALWAYS bogged down by Firefox, Seamonkey, or Opera. Pale Moon is a little better. Haven't been able to find a distro that sports Midori AND recognizes my wifi. Am going to try Elementary and wifiSlax tomorrow. We'll see. BTW, the N2600 netbooks by Acer, Gateway, and HP will work with DDR3 4GB RAM cards, though Win Starter only recognizes 2. My HP Mini 1104 came with 32 bit Home Premium, which recognizes "2.99GB".
This Ubuntu forum thread discusses the gist of the woes with N2600 cpu's