04-12-2016, 01:42 PM
(04-12-2016, 01:33 PM)firenice03 link Wrote: First off... Welcome to the Forums and what an entrance...
My plugged nickle.... and to keep things brief...
I feel the DEVs include the community as a whole to some of the decisions and design of the OS. From items/apps that maybe included within, to the look and feel. There are many threads devoted to enhancements of upcoming releases as well as quirks.
You have just recently registered, maybe you've looked through forums, maybe you peered at the manual, I assume you've installed the software and want to suggest how you can make it better... GREAT!! go for it, by all means have those conversations with the DEVs/Admin - conversations.... Converse, suggest, input and contribute...
Make sure you understand the premise/mission of Linux Lite?
To me it does look like you went off blasting (just my take) but hey... As mentioned Bold letters, caps, overly large fonts taken as shouting, and...
You knew in the way that you were going about things that you were going to upset folks. 8)
Its like one of my kids saying... Don't get mad but....
;D Oh and you can't use words like butthurt and be taken serious.... LOL maybe I'm old
There are TONs of distro's out there... Are there better...? Are there worse..?? ??? SURE... but to what extent...
Its not the distro - its the users, without users there is no distro...
Maybe everyone else is doing it wrong???
Aside from a great Linux distro, Jerry and team have tweaked and modified LL to a point that Windows users can pick up and go with LL..
Now add that they can do this on the same system that was running XP...
Is this the best premise??? Maybe not if you want to be cutting edge - but its how I how I got here..
Please don't misinterpret any criticism. We all start somewhere, anything and everything can be learning moment...
Thanks for the welcome! I know I did seem to come off quite brash and a bit rude.