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Problem creating symlinks to shared data partition
Thanks, LL-user, I have been skinning the cat!  I'm pleased to say I have succeeded without too much fur flying around, and with no lasting claw-marks.

On the K.I.S.S principle, I went for what seemed to be the easiest option - your 1 (a).  Not too demanding, as I had only just installed PCLOS and so had not customised the installation nor (as user "brian") generated any files and certainly stored nothing outside the /home folder.

On the detail of exactly how to change the UID and GID I sought a little bit of advice from colleagues in the PCLOS forum (as I had never done this before...).  Apparently Ubuntu-based distros' default setting is 1000, while PCLOS' default is 500.  As you noted (your 1.©), if I had I known I could have set, or changed, the default "500" to 1000 during the initial process of PCLOS installation.

Anyway, all I had to do was login as root and edit two files in the /etc/ directory to change the UID and GID numbers, and then do a "chown" command.  Details (for anyone else who needs to do something similar) are at  (Old Polack is an absolute fount of good advice on the PCLOS forum). I logged back in as user (brian) and that was it, job done!  Less confusing than creating a new user, and less hassle than reinstalling.

So all is now sorted, cat is skinned, and we're good to go.  Thanks very much for pointing me in the right direction - much appreciated.  I'll mark this thread solved....

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Re: Problem creating symlinks to shared data partition - by br1anstorm - 02-22-2016, 10:43 PM

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