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Problem creating symlinks to shared data partition
With help from gold_finger and others I have successfully installed Linux Lite and Linux Mint, each in its own partition, alongside Windows 7 on my laptop - using EasyBCD to keep the original Windows MBR intact and with each Linux distro's Grub in the same partition as its OS.  It all works fine.

Again with the help of gold_finger's guidance in this thread,  I also set up a shared DATA partition which Lite, Mint, and any other distros could use.  It is located at /mnt/DATA.  I used "chown" to ensure that my username was the owner.  Then in each of both Linux Lite and Linux Mint I deleted the Docs/Pics/etc folders which were in the /home area, created folders with those names in the DATA partition, went into the terminal and used the command

ln - s /mnt/DATA/Documents /home/username

to create a symlink for each of the folders which I wanted to have shared by both distros.  All worked fine, and in the /home of both Lite and Mint I now have symlinks which point to the relevant folder in the DATA partition, and i am able to save files into them.

All that is background...... to the problem I have now run into.

I have just installed PCLinuxOS into its partition and set it up to boot just like the others via EasyBCD.  It works well.  So I thought it would be simple to do the same symlinking so that any files I create or save in PCLinuxOS can also be stored in the same, shared, DATA partition.

Well, so far it hasn't quite worked.  I decided to do the links one at a time.  So I followed the same steps:

- I deleted the Documents folder in the PCLinuxOS /home;
- as there is already a Documents folder in the shared DATA partition, I then simply did the
ln - s/
command in the terminal.

Didn't work.  Some kind of a link appeared in the PCLOS /home.  But the icon was for a "text" (not the usual folder icon), and it had a red "X", and under Properties it said the link was broken.  And the link didn't work.

In trying to figure this out, I noticed two things:

1) Although I had set up the DATA partition, and both Lite and Linux see it, as being at /mnt/DATA/....,  in the PCLOS file manager its location shows up as /media/DATA/....

2) In both Lite and Mint file managers the Properties>Permissions of both the DATA partition and the folders in it are shown as being owned by me (my username).  But in the PCLOS file manager the owner is shown as
Quote:1000 - user #1000
, and the Group (whatever that is!) as 1000.

In an attempt to experiment and troubleshoot, I then did the same
ln - s
command but this time with the different path indicated by PCLOS (/media/DATA... instead of /mnt/DATA).  This appeared to create a proper symlink with the proper icon in /home.  But under Properties> Permissions, the owner is shown again as
Quote:1000 - user#1000
.  And when I tried to save a test file into that symlinked folder, a popup said that I could not do so because I (under my own username) do not have the permissions necessary.

So..... I'm faced with two challenges.

First, if I want when using PCLOS to be able to access and save documents etc into the shared DATA partition folders, do I have to somehow change the ownership of those folders?  But (big if....) if I do so, how do I do so - in PCLOS only?  And will that render them inaccessible or invisible when I'm in Lite or Mint?  I should say that I have the same username, which is /brian, in all three distros). 

Second (although this is really a question for the PCLOS forum) is there another way to create symlinks using the GUI rather than the command line?  I have noticed that if I right click on a folder in my PCLOS /home, it offers me the option to "Make Link".  But if I go to the folders in the DATA partition while working in PCLOS and right click, the "Make Link" option is greyed out.

The questions seem a bit complicated.  Perhaps the answers are nice and simple.  I live in hope!

Messages In This Thread
Problem creating symlinks to shared data partition - by br1anstorm - 02-20-2016, 10:41 PM

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