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problems with grub boot loader LL 2.8 beta
I am posting this to Thank Jerry, Fireice03, and Gold_Finger, who have taken the time to respond to my post, and to help me with my problem.  This is also a rebuttal to the unhelpful reply by Rafa by insinuating that people who ask questions are lazy. Rafa you do not know me or what my knowledge of Linux is. You have been no help in your sarcastic remarks, which have no place in a support or help forum. I notice that you are 24 years of age and only have 5 posts in the forum. Does this make you a expert on who is lazy or not? I asked in my second post for help and for people to be civil in their replies. You were not Helpful at all, and your reply was very immature for someone purported to be 24 years of age. I do not want to get a flame war started, and this will be my last post in this thread.

I will repost my question in another post using a different context regards the modified grub boot loader in LL. I have worked with and used Linux for 21 years. I am a retired Computer Tech and have a Novel Education Certificate for configuration and installation,for Networking. I am not a programmer or a Developer so don't know how to go about changing the Grub Boot loader in LL so it doesn't have to be in the MBR to boot LL 2.6 and 2.8. I will discuss this in another post.

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A Thank You and Rebuttal - by melb1938 - 01-27-2016, 07:42 PM

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