01-17-2016, 04:33 PM
I'm with you on pretty much all of this...
Agreed. EasyBCD finds and works with Mint's grub perfectly well.
Yes, that's the way I understand it too.
Absolutely right! Which is why I think we both see austin.texas' method as the best, simplest and most logical solution. Somehow I need to get a working entry for LL into Mint's grub.
Agreed again. In fact I had already planned that if I successfully inserted LL into Mint's grub, then I'd simply amend the listing or label in EasyBCD to show Mint & Lite..... and the choice of which of those to boot would then arise once I got to Mint's grub screen.
I still have a preference for this second (manually-created) route, which is the austin.texas method, if at all possible, before I start nuking anything! What I'm finding hard to grasp is why the two attempts I have made so far have failed, each one producing a different error or failure message. Once we know why those two attempts to insert the LL entry into Mint's boot menu failed, then presumably we'll know what I have to do slightly differently in order to make it succeed? Do the pastebin texts reveal any clues to an expert eye?
(01-17-2016, 03:55 PM)gold_finger link Wrote: Yes, we're both using computers with only Linux OS's on them, but solutions proposed should work for you anyway. From here on out, let's forget about deleting grub packages in Mint. Leave Mint's grub alone because it is already working with EasyBCD.
Agreed. EasyBCD finds and works with Mint's grub perfectly well.
Quote: Don't know exactly how EasyBCD operates, but it's pretty clear that it will only be able to boot from one grub2 that it finds even if it will see and list other OS's also using grub2. In your case Mint was first one it found, therefore that is the one that works. It sees LL and lists it, but when selected it still brings up Mint's grub.
Yes, that's the way I understand it too.
Quote:When EasyBCD passes booting responsibility to Mint's grub, then grub takes over and EasyBCD is out of the loop. Therefore, if you have a working menuentry in Mint's grub that boots LL, your problem is solved.
Absolutely right! Which is why I think we both see austin.texas' method as the best, simplest and most logical solution. Somehow I need to get a working entry for LL into Mint's grub.
Quote: In other words, don't pick the LL listing from the EasyBCD menu -- that's never going to work because of EasyBCD limitation of only being able to use one grub2. Always pick the Mint entry. That will then bring you to Mint's grub menu where you can then choose the working entry to boot LL.
Agreed again. In fact I had already planned that if I successfully inserted LL into Mint's grub, then I'd simply amend the listing or label in EasyBCD to show Mint & Lite..... and the choice of which of those to boot would then arise once I got to Mint's grub screen.
Quote: When doing a standard command to update grub in Mint, the 30_os-prober file is run to find and add boot entries for other OS's. That will pull in info from LL and make a menu entry for it. As you found out, if you don't alter anything, the listing it creates for LL will not work due to the alteration of one or two lines of grub code in LL that cause it to act differently than expected.
Solution is to either:
1. Delete the grub packages in LL so there is no altered code found (by 30_os-prober) to mess-up the booting for it in Mint's grub. Without the altered packages, the menuentries made by 30_os-prober will now work correctly, (but without the pretty LL splash screen -- who cares?).
2. Manually add a new menuentry for it using the 40_custom file. If you use the 40_custom method, you'll end up seeing the normal one or two entries for LL (found by the 30_custom script, and those will still not work) and you'll have another entry listed last that says "Description: Linux Lite ...." The last one is the manually created one and it will work provided you copied the menuentry into 40_custom file properly.
I still have a preference for this second (manually-created) route, which is the austin.texas method, if at all possible, before I start nuking anything! What I'm finding hard to grasp is why the two attempts I have made so far have failed, each one producing a different error or failure message. Once we know why those two attempts to insert the LL entry into Mint's boot menu failed, then presumably we'll know what I have to do slightly differently in order to make it succeed? Do the pastebin texts reveal any clues to an expert eye?