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[SOLVED] Dual-boot or multi-boot of Linux Lite (and others) with Windows 7
Thanks, gold_finger.  You and I have both been in both forums, and thanks for your "edit" advice.  I plan to try that alternative route.  Will report progress in both threads.

meanwhile -- and equally speculatively - I offer just a few observations on your thought-process.

(01-13-2016, 01:10 AM)gold_finger link Wrote: .....
Based on your description of problem, I'm going to make a purely speculative guess at a possible solution.  Here's my thought process.

From the sounds of it, if you choose to boot Linux, EasyBCD passes booting responsibility to grub which then boots the distro.  If more than one distro uses grub2, it only recognizes and lists one of them for booting.  If the distro's grub that takes over has been updated to include boot choices for other installed distros, they will then show on the grub menu and can boot from there.  (That is my speculation.  I don't know that to be true.)

Thst coincides with my understanding.  It's also the basis for the alternative solution (which is to put LL into Mint's grub boot menu and it will then show as a choice when EasyBCD hands the booting on from the Windows bootloader screen to the grub2).

Quote:I'm guessing that when you choose Mint from EasyBCD menu, it either boots straight into Mint, or shows grub menu with only Mint choices for booting and no choices to boot LL.  I say that because I'm guessing you never went into Mint and updated grub to include LL because you knew ahead of time that LL would not boot properly that way.

You give me too much credit!  I didn't know or even assume that.  I just understood, and EasyBCD leads one to believe, that if you tell it which partition to look in for the distro you choose, it goes (I know not how....) directly to that location and triggers that distro's bootloader.  Evidently it doesn't quite do that.  But equally, the EasyBCD guidance doesn't tell you that if you install more than one Grub2 distro then you have to update the grub of one (the first?) of them so that it also lists the other.

What happens when I boot after setting up the second, and/or third OS in EasyBCD is that I first see a Windows bootloader (MBR?) screen which lists all the OSs I had listed in EasyBCD.  Clicking on Win7 boots up Windows, end of story.  When I had only added Mint, of course, the Windows boot screen showed Win7 and Mint.  Choosing Mint took me on to the Grub2 screen offering Mint (and still also listed Win7) and I was able to boot into it.  Then I added Lite - as the third OS.  When I chose it on the first (windows MBR) screen, the Grub2 screen appeared, but still only offered the Mint boot options.... and listed Win7.  In other words, EasyBCD still only "sees" the one Grub2, which in this case was Mint's.

Thus although I have installed Lite, and its Grub, on a separate partition (and can access those files/folders via Mint's file manager) I cannot, at present, boot into Lite at all.

I agree that - in the short term - the simple solution, if it works, is to add Lite, which I installed second, to Mint's Grub which was there first and which EasyBCD seems able to find.  If that works it works..... and all I would need to do is amend the listing in EasyBCD's "menu" to show Mint and Lite as being in effect a single choice.  Once I get to (Mint's) grub2 screen, I should see both Mint and Lite listed, having manually copied and pasted Lite in and done sudo update grub .  So at that point I then make my "secondary" choice of OS to boot, as between Mint and Lite.

If it doesn't work, then I may try your route.  The other alternative would be to go back to almost the beginning, uninstall both Mint and Lite, reinstall them with Lite first, and then use the same manual copy-and-paste to insert Mint into LL's Grub2.....which is another variation of the austin.texas suggestion, just making Lite's grub the "lead" one.

After that, my ambition for the next stage is to add PCLinuxOS, which uses Grub Legacy, on the remaining empty partition.  If my understanding of EasyBCD is correct, it will "see" that distro, with its Grub Legacy,  as being separate and different from Mint and Lite, so I may be taken straight there if I choose to boot that OS.  We shall see.

As I said, watch this space.  I thought this exercise would be an "Easy" jog in the park.  It's becoming more like a marathon.  But so far, I'm not feeling any pain.....

Messages In This Thread
Re: [SOLVED] Dual-boot or multi-boot of Linux Lite (and others) with Windows 7 - by br1anstorm - 01-14-2016, 12:32 AM

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