11-11-2015, 04:51 AM
Sounds like you need Boot Repair. This will fix the GRUB bootloader for you by reinstalling it. More info here:
It is available as a stand-alone Live CD, but personally, I've never had much success with using it that way. Instead, I do this:
While keeping in mind that these changes won't be saved to a Live CD or USB, on an LL Live CD/Live USB, I add the Boot Repair PPA:
then I enter:
and follow the prompts from there.
If you want to have this available all the time, you can create a Live USB with persistence, but I just installed a small LL system on a 16GB SD card and added to it boot-repair and another goodie, ClamAV, to check Windows PCs for possible virus issues...
Sounds like you need Boot Repair. This will fix the GRUB bootloader for you by reinstalling it. More info here:
It is available as a stand-alone Live CD, but personally, I've never had much success with using it that way. Instead, I do this:
While keeping in mind that these changes won't be saved to a Live CD or USB, on an LL Live CD/Live USB, I add the Boot Repair PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
then I enter:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair
and follow the prompts from there.
If you want to have this available all the time, you can create a Live USB with persistence, but I just installed a small LL system on a 16GB SD card and added to it boot-repair and another goodie, ClamAV, to check Windows PCs for possible virus issues...
A gun in your hand is worth more than a whole police force on the phone.