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[Closed] Linux Lite 2.0 installation freezing
(09-03-2015, 09:28 PM)torreydale link Wrote: If what paul1149 shared is based on your image that I can't see yet, then 256MB of memory is going to be problematic, especially if what rokytnji and I suggested aren't helping.
Yep, I'm thinking that the memory is just 256 MB. I can't confirm that, though, because I can't find a screwdriver that will unscrew the screw for the memory cover. That probably seems stupid to you, but trust me, I have a good reason to be in this situation. I'll have to either see if I can borrow from someone nearby or wait a week for a screwdriver set (which I just ordered) to be delivered. In the end, I think I'll either have to give up on this or buy more memory for the computer, assuming that's even possible and reasonable. If it turns out that the computer actually does have 512 MB or more, then I'll come back with that news. Thanks a lot for the help, rokytnji, torreydale, and paul1149.

(09-03-2015, 09:35 PM)torreydale link Wrote: By the way, since you are a Windows fan, boot your Windows machine to this CD.  What you'll see BEFORE INSTALLING ANYTHING is a fully functional desktop.  In Linux, this is what is called a Live CD or Live Media.  You can browse the Internet from that desktop environment and even see and open the files on your Windows hard drive.  Again, this is before you even click on the desktop icon that says Install Linux Lite.

That is why I said your not having Linux Lite installed yet isn't the problem. 
Are you saying that Linux Lite can run from my installation CD just as if it were installed on the hard drive? That's neat. I've actually contemplated installing Linux Lite alongside Windows...maybe I will, if I ever have time and energy for something like that.

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Re: [Closed] Linux Lite 2.0 installation freezing - by NealCruco - 09-03-2015, 10:06 PM

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