05-19-2015, 10:54 AM
hi Kevin,
I wish all OSes would give more debugging information upon install rather than less.
Here are some things that go wrong when I've had bad installs (any linux OS)
the download will be ok [md5sum]
and the burning of the DVD will be ok,
but when installing there will be slight read error from the DVD (dirt,dust,smudge) or even the DVD drive (old age ..)
That will screw up the install.
Another is that Linux distros no longer check for bad sectors on the hard drive,
I think this check is essential for any used drives, it takes a long time to check a drive.
I have drives that report fine under SMART disk tests but have a bad sector lurking.
I recommend testing the disk with gsmartcontrol, full disk test, review for any errors
run from a live boot
1st reformat swap space to ext3 (you can format it back to swap space later)
fsck -c /dev/sda1
fsck -c /dev/sda2
fsck -c /dev/sda3
fsck -c /dev/sda4
that process will find nasties that are better found now than later
I wish all OSes would give more debugging information upon install rather than less.
Here are some things that go wrong when I've had bad installs (any linux OS)
the download will be ok [md5sum]
and the burning of the DVD will be ok,
but when installing there will be slight read error from the DVD (dirt,dust,smudge) or even the DVD drive (old age ..)
That will screw up the install.
Another is that Linux distros no longer check for bad sectors on the hard drive,
I think this check is essential for any used drives, it takes a long time to check a drive.
I have drives that report fine under SMART disk tests but have a bad sector lurking.
I recommend testing the disk with gsmartcontrol, full disk test, review for any errors
run from a live boot
1st reformat swap space to ext3 (you can format it back to swap space later)
fsck -c /dev/sda1
fsck -c /dev/sda2
fsck -c /dev/sda3
fsck -c /dev/sda4
that process will find nasties that are better found now than later
Linux user and supporter since 1998. Secular Humanist & skeptic.
openPGP: 0xC938FD97 jabber: [email protected]
openPGP: 0xC938FD97 jabber: [email protected]