04-12-2015, 12:48 AM
Hi Kirkx,
Let's assume this is your home directory: /home/kirkx
Then you'll find the files here:
You can find it for yourself by opening a terminal and using:
That's assuming you're running the command sitting in your home directory. Instead of the dot (.) after find which represents the directory you are in, you can also type in a path, like /home/kirkx
Hope that helps
Let's assume this is your home directory: /home/kirkx
Then you'll find the files here:
You can find it for yourself by opening a terminal and using:
find . -name xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml
find . -name lxterminal.conf
That's assuming you're running the command sitting in your home directory. Instead of the dot (.) after find which represents the directory you are in, you can also type in a path, like /home/kirkx
Hope that helps