04-07-2015, 09:25 PM
@litelovelinux and demag,
Sorry to say this, but I really don't know why that's happening and don't really know where to go on this. I tried doing a search for a couple of the error lines litelovelinux posted, but didn't find anything helpful. If the wording of those errors was not exact, maybe that's why I didn't see much on them in a search -- I don't know. (Try plugging some error messages into this search engine yourselves -- maybe you'll have better luck.)
Hopefully someone else has more of a clue than me and can give you better way to track down what's going on. In the meantime, just for the heck of it, lets try something different to shutdown. Chances are it won't make a difference, but who knows? Can't hurt anything.
Right-click your panels and choose Panel -> Panel Preferences -> Items (tab) -> "+" -> (select) Action Buttons -> Add -> Close -> Close. That will add an action button to the panel that you can use for shutdown, restart, etc. (It may look like a button, or it may have your username in place of a button.) Click that and choose the option to shutdown. Report back results.
P.s. From your inxi outputs, it doesn't look like either one of you are using a proprietary AMD graphics driver. I have no idea whether that might affect anything or not -- just pointing that out for others who might know if it could be the source of the problem. Wait and see if someone else comments on that before messing around with installing new drivers.
Sorry to say this, but I really don't know why that's happening and don't really know where to go on this. I tried doing a search for a couple of the error lines litelovelinux posted, but didn't find anything helpful. If the wording of those errors was not exact, maybe that's why I didn't see much on them in a search -- I don't know. (Try plugging some error messages into this search engine yourselves -- maybe you'll have better luck.)
Hopefully someone else has more of a clue than me and can give you better way to track down what's going on. In the meantime, just for the heck of it, lets try something different to shutdown. Chances are it won't make a difference, but who knows? Can't hurt anything.
Right-click your panels and choose Panel -> Panel Preferences -> Items (tab) -> "+" -> (select) Action Buttons -> Add -> Close -> Close. That will add an action button to the panel that you can use for shutdown, restart, etc. (It may look like a button, or it may have your username in place of a button.) Click that and choose the option to shutdown. Report back results.
P.s. From your inxi outputs, it doesn't look like either one of you are using a proprietary AMD graphics driver. I have no idea whether that might affect anything or not -- just pointing that out for others who might know if it could be the source of the problem. Wait and see if someone else comments on that before messing around with installing new drivers.
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