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[SOLVED] LL2.2 Running from a USB stick only?
Not a problem. 

Boot from a live LL and plug in your target USB.  Use GParted to get rid of the FAT partition on the USB first.  Leave unpartitioned, or set up partitions for LL with GParted ahead of time.

Now run the installer.  Choose the "Something else" install type.  On partitioning page, select your USB stick and choose the free space to make your Root and Swap partitions (or select pre-made partitions and set their mount points);  point the boot loader to the USB (/dev/sdb, or sdc, etc.) instead of /dev/sda;  finish install.

Reboot into USB LL and run updates.  Do not install a proprietary graphics driver if planning to use on multiple computers -- it will fail on computers that don't use that same type of graphics.  Instead, leave with generic Linux drivers.  Each boot up will load which ever one is appropriate for the machine it's on.

P.s.  Assuming you won't be hibernating computer when using USB stick, don't bother wasting a lot of space for the Swap partition.  You should be fine with no more than 1GB for Swap.
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Re: LL2.2 Running from a USB stick only? - by gold_finger - 02-03-2015, 02:49 PM

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