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[SOLVED] Transfer LL from laptop to desktop w/ win7 sp1 (side-by-side)
Quote:Do you happen to know if the Redo Backup is just a complete clone of the drive?
I've never used it but my understanding is that it is and would make a good fall back

I found restoring clonzilla much to complicated for my little brain but might be the solution as tripple aught is more capable than I.

I have used Reflect for my windows backups for many years, I'm looking at the "Direct disk cloning" on this page as the free version does this.

I'll clone my win install on a SSD drive to an external USB and see what happens.

I have never had a need to use USB's as I use RW DVD's but out of curiosity I used saline to clone a running LL install to a ntfs USB writing the MBR to the drive.

It booted into the USB and the install was persistent and I was able to clone LL onto another HDD.

I'm off to try cloning my windows now but I'm a slow methodical guy so don't rush me.

Using Reflect I cloned win7 to a external USB drive, set the bios to boot off it and it failed, rebooted into my usual OS, run update-grub rebooted and it appeared in the menu but failed to boot. I don't have an official win7 CD so I can't try to restore the windows MBR.

I don't see any logical reason why Redo do would fail, it's only copying files and the MBR not doing anything with the partition table so I'll try next with Redo.

I've created the backup file 22 GB, clicked on restore and it's asking for my source drive? not my backup file, very strange and my data partition doesn't seem to be listed.

I'm copying the backup folder onto a USB stick to see if that gets listed.

Any experienced redo users about?

Well I managed to find my backup files on the USB stick and started the reinstall but at 60% it erred with a crc error or something so I'm trying on a second machine now

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Re: Transfer LL from dedicated LL laptop to desktop w/ win7 sp1 (side-by-side) help - by ukbrian - 02-03-2015, 08:37 AM

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