01-14-2015, 12:27 PM
Like altman, I'm diabetic. I'm also addicted to sugar (seriously). I always ate huge portions (which partly explains why I topped out at just shy of 300#) but was always hungry. Since the last Sunday of 2014, I started watching what I ate (and cut out processed sugar completely, praise the Lord...no way I could have done it without His help). My portions are MUCH smaller now. This has done 3 things. First, I've lost a few pounds. Second, my glucose levels are normal (in the 100-120 range...previously, I felt I was doing well if they were under 200). Finally, I don't feel hungry nearly as often. For example, last night at work (6pm-6am), I only had an apple between 6pm and midnight. Never felt hungry but my sugar was a little low (low 90s). I ate a PB sandwich about midnight (ONE SWIPE OF PB, NOT A 1" THICK "SLAB"!!), another one at about 2am and a bowl of plain oatmeal at about 5am. (From midnight til 6am, I was constantly walking/climbing stairs so I knew my sugar would drop some.) Had I not been diabetic, I probably wouldn't have eaten more than the apple and a single sandwich all night.
Sorry. I got way off topic.
Sorry. I got way off topic.