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Add Guaydeque to Linux Lite

One thing I noticed about Linux Lite is the lack of a music management media player. Sure, VLC will play music, but a music manager should be included in my opinion. Most of these are bloated, but this particular music manager is super lightweight and does so much. I have been using it for a long time and find it stable, fast and feature rich. It has the excellent ability of downloading covers directly to your album folders, and the smart play feature is something I have never encountered in a player other than this. It does not get mention while other lesser managers do, and I only found it from testing LXLE not too long ago. I installed it on Lite and it works so well and integrates with it perfectly. I don't have to sell it, try it for yourself and I think you'll be sold without my input Smile

It is also noteworthy to add that while v0.3.5 is in the repos, v0.3.7 is the latest. There are builds for precise, quantal and saucy, but any of these install and function perfectly in trusty.
This is a topic I have thought about internally for a long time, and it's something I'm conscious of getting right from day one.

When choosing new software for Linux Lite, one of the first considerations is cross-compatibility, is this program also available on windows and or mac? This is what I ask for reasons of familiarity to the user coming over to linux, just as we have Firefox, VLC, Skype, Teamviewer etc. Other considerations include, easy of use, is it intuitive - could my grandmother use it with minimal learning curve, is it light on resources, does it have an attractive but no overly busy interface, is it regularly maintained and updated, and so on.

I have tried Guaydeque in the past and did like it and will have to take another look at it again soon. Despite the less than descriptive application name, which we can easily change on the menu to something like 'Music Player', this is certainly in the list of possibles.

If someone can come up with a cross-compatible music player that is light and easy to use, I would also like to hear about it.

Thank you eightbit Smile
Thank you for your response. Smile I think it is easy enough to use. I personally think it is a perfect fit for its "lite-ness". I am actually amazed at the functionality built into it with how small the package is. I would also love to hear other suggestions to fill this music manager void. I think I have tried them all, but you never know Smile
I just found this and had a play with it and it is AWESOME.

[Image: screenshot-charts.png]
That does look good! I will check it out shortly, thanks!

Tried it and I think you have hit on a winner here. This player is indeed awesome. I still have to set up the resolvers and see what it is made of in terms of playing other content, but it seems to do quite nicely with my 14,000 local music files Smile It is really simple as well. I don't think you'll be able to find lighter and easier to use than this Smile
installed the tomahawk  ppa and keyring because of this  thread.

Was surprised with the Spotify option on startup.
LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
(09-29-2014, 01:11 PM)rokytnji link Wrote: installed the tomahawk  ppa and keyring because of this  thread.

Was surprised with the Spotify option on startup.

Do you have Spotify, and if so, how well does it work within Tomahawk? This could kill 2 birds with one stone as elsewhere there has been a suggestion to add Spotify to Install Additional Software.
Sorry Valtam. No I do not.

To kinda be honest. I am busy learning the new Iphone the wife bought me over the weekend and have
to learn how to add ~/Music/misc,To Itunes which is still a learning process for me.
Spotify is new to me so I have to learn it also.
LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
I signed up and tried the free account with go. This resolver requires a paid subscription to spotify. Maybe when I get home later I'll try the trial and see how that works out. Spotify is pretty nice by the way. If it seemlessly works with Tomahawk it will be pretty awesome.
I have a premium Spotify account.

I'll give it ago tomorrow and let you know how I get on.

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