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SOLVED - XFCE Terminal Question
Linux user for 9 years, new to Linux Lite and to this forum. What a fantastic distro - coming from Mint Cinnamon desktop to XFCE is a minor adjustment, but I like XFCE - especially the fact that I'm using less resources to run my desktop.

My question is about the XFCE terminal - after I type a command, I'll often get a result in the next like that shows a colored box with a number in it. I'm guessing that these are error codes of some kind - is there some reference list that explains these numbers - ie - should I use these numbers or interpret them in some way?

I don't know how to delete my post after having found the answer - the numbers are indeed error codes. By installing 'moreutils' I got a list that can be called up with 'errno' (error numbers). Sorry to post and answer my own question!

(01-24-2021, 12:33 PM)benslinux link Wrote: Linux user for 9 years, new to Linux Lite and to this forum. What a fantastic distro - coming from Mint Cinnamon desktop to XFCE is a minor adjustment, but I like XFCE - especially the fact that I'm using less resources to run my desktop.

My question is about the XFCE terminal - after I type a command, I'll often get a result in the next like that shows a colored box with a number in it. I'm guessing that these are error codes of some kind - is there some reference list that explains these numbers - ie - should I use these numbers or interpret them in some way?

I don't know how to delete my post after having found the answer - the numbers are indeed error codes. By installing 'moreutils' I got a list that can be called up with 'errno' (error numbers). Sorry to post and answer my own question!

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Linux Lite uses Powerline for the terminal prompt and those number as you say represent some error codes. Out of curiosity, what does the pkg moreutils say/ about those error codes? Does it say/show what they mean? One more thing, to mark the thread as Solved, edit the post and from the Select Prefix drop down menu select Solved.

[Image: hIaGkhp.png]

EDIT: I installed 'moreutils' and it does show what the errors mean, so thanks, I've been wanting to know that for a while now, and now I do. Smile
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