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Linux Lite 5.0 .vs MX Linux
Just wanted to say how good Linux Lite is. It's the best distro I have used, and I have been a Windows user for a very long time (since Win 3.1). It's so stable and reliable, and so good at giving a Windows user everything they need. Immediately on installing an OS I would be thinking "How do I update the OS?, How do you look for drivers? How do I change the look of the desktop and wallpaper? How do I backup the OS? I want to install Google Chrome to access Google Doc's? or another well known program. The list of easy install programs and help information is great and so well explained. I mainly use computers for everyday tasks and my music compositions, so I am not so good at "under the hood" stuff. Just like a automobile driver doesn't have to know everything about his engine.

Linux Lite has always been stable and easy for everyday people like me to use and understand. Linux Lite is the last of three distro's I have tried, and for me it's the easiest and the best, with great lead-you-by-the-hand help which I really appreciate. I would like to say a big "Thank You" to all the people that work on Linux Lite. Even my wife is very impressed, and that takes a lot Wink
(06-04-2020, 05:23 PM)thisisjay link Wrote: No support for commercial software. Not really the fault of Linux Lite or any other distro, but it is the reason why most people are not running Linux. This is not a deal breaker for me because I use all open source software(Kodi, Retropie, Qbittorrent, etc.), but anyone that needed to run Quickbooks, MS Office, Photoshop, etc. would be sunk. The open source alternatives to these programs either don't exist or they suck.
If you are running an open source OS why do you expect commercial companies would jump in and what would be the big plus?
Looking at your desires you wan to have Windows applications but expect them to be ported to Linux?
I'm around since Red Hat 5.1, yeah that's a long time ago and I ran lots of GNU / Linux distro's out there. Even switched for a while to BeOS which was magical but died due to lack of succes.
A German commercial company picked it up and sold it as Zeta, again died due to lack of succes. Now it is picked up by the open source community and develop, slowly but it continues. People should look to their own needs, if you want the commercial way install Windows or buy a Mac but stop comparing Linux with these.
Linux is big and runs on most servers world wide and has a lot of followers world wide for the Desktop distro's. Yes there are a lot but a lot of people have different needs or do you want everybody to drive in the same car too? Don't think so either. About your software issues I don't have them. I'm very satisfied with Libre Office and Gimp which fully do where I need them for.
I like Linux Lite on my older box but run Mint Mate on my primary box and have Zorin installed at my wife's PC since that's what runs good on it. We have many options in Linux land and all are for free, use what you like and search which distro is fitting your needs. If you need commerical software pay for it and change from OS but stop asking for things that will not happen since they are useless.
I had hopes for BeOS... even bought a few actions when they were going strong and had a bright future.
Now I hear children cry and see gloomy gray skies when I come accross the name.
So sad... Sad
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
(10-16-2020, 01:16 PM)TheDead link Wrote: I had hopes for BeOS... even bought a few actions when they were going strong and had a bright future.
Now I hear children cry and see gloomy gray skies when I come accross the name.
So sad... Sad
That's why I mentioned it, commercial interference is not always the way to go, especially not in the open Source world.
Yeah... I was young and naive at the time. First real job... had money to spare.
Had a Commodore Amiga, BeOS seemed the right way to go when Commodore hit the dirt.
What a fringe computer geek I was. Enough that I vowed that I'd never buy a PC, and I didn't.

Been awhile I told this, my cool story about my first PC :
I filled about 2/3 of a prize draw bucket at the college store and WON my first PC. For every purchase they gave a ticket, I shopped around and they charged 1 cent to staple sheets together. Made a photocopy for 10 cents (single sheet) and had them stapled the edge in rows... HA, they though to discourage saying it had to be "per purchase" / "per visit". I had almost no courses that week so I went to staple my sheet, went around outside and came back... I think around 240 times. Wink Last purchase before the draw... I plastified my Single 240-timed-Stapled-Sheet. Total : 0.10+2.40+1.00=3.50 for 242 tickets, not bad, not considering the time spent and monopolyzing the nice person at the cash register for a week  :o .
The double twist... When they had the draw, the store "boss" tried to fool people saying another name when he read the winning ticket... then he gave the ticket to another person to "discard" I'm guessing. She then looked at it and said... "Ahaha, your funny!" to her boss, thinking he was joking and said that "I" won!... I'll never forget the boss's "smile" right then. He had the same one in the picture they took for the occasion.
I was the star when I got back to the computer club, rolling in the brand new PC I just won!, the fastest available at the time.
If they make a movie about me, this part should be in slow-mo with a Rage Against The Machine song playing. REBEL!!! 8)
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
Funny history you have, I hope you changed into just buying the damn thing Wink
Yeah, after that one I bought some hardware and built my own PCs.
Strangely enough, my current "complete" PC was given to me, lol!
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
(06-05-2020, 02:45 PM)TheDead link Wrote: Teams is a newcomer and is available on Linux :
I just confirmed today with Microsoft support that Teams for Linux desktop is only available for work and school accounts managed by an organization.  If you want to use Teams for Linux with a personal/free account, you have to use your browser.

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