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Hi, new here and love this OS so far
Just wanted to say Hi, and also complement on a wonderful install on my older Acer 5520-5912 Amd turion 64x2 tl58 with Nvidia 7000m graphics that on other distros I had to fudge drivers and such for the graphics but this one was just clean and unexpected I guess.. I breathed a sigh of relief when I booted the live version and it just worked..everything so far just works!!! So it was on to install and it just works!!! Thank You guys so much

Oh also I tinker with computers quite a bit but not an expert, my Son is the expert so when I need fact he gifts me things like a Dell Poweredge R610 server for Christmas so I have set up Proxmox with Ubuntu lxc, plex server, and still experimenting. I am using refurbished office computer as HTPC, and use raspberry pi's as well, so I do like to play around with operating systems. And I work in Tool and Die/ Vinyl window extrusion environment so not even related.
Oh and I hate to throw away old computers it just seems like a waste, but I might have a problem.
Hi and welcome!

It so happens that the "industry" I'm in, has actually less to do directly with computers: Personal development or "Know thyself", which sounds better for me. So It's very nice when you meet people from different backgounds on this common ground, known as "Computers and IT".
I've been using computers since February 1995 which here, in România, it's quite some time...
I shifted gradually from using computers to make my living (this was somewhere back in 1997 - 2006) to using computers to find out more about my internal potential and obviously, to find ways to develop existing and new skills.
So, I enjoyed very much your presentation! Smile

I wish you a pleasant and joyful experience with Linux Lite! Smile
"It's easy to die for an idea. It's way harder TO LIVE for your idea!"
Current Machine:
Dell Precision T1700, 16 GB RAM, SSD Kingston A400, 480 GB.
ASUS X200MA , Intel® Celeron® N2830, 2 GB RAM, SSD Kingston A400, 480 GB.
I can feel you. I don't like throwing away old computers. I try to revive them using Linux OS. I have tried a lot of Linux distros but Linux Lite is by far my favorite. I have tried Peppermint, Linux Mint, Ubuntu (and its flavors), Zorin OS, Puppy Linux, and Deepin.

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