(01-21-2020, 06:29 PM)Jerry link Wrote: [member=7109]Moltke[/member] it's good to get some 'wife and mother' feedback. Thank you
No problem [member=2]Jerry[/member] Honestly, it happened by chance ;D it wasn't like I planned to do that, it just happened; I was using the laptop where I've been playing with KDE from a USB in persistent mode - and yes, it runs pretty smooth - and they were there like "what are you playing with now? another Linux?" I told them to give it a try and tell me what they thought.
Like I said in that post, I've been using plasma for a month or so, comparing performance against XFCE, by the way, in this same laptop I've installed XFCE too and while kde boots at 340-360mb xfce boots at 260-300mb, still a bit lighter than plasma but not for much. Resource usage is about the same in both when running a browser with one tab open - haven't really checked with more than one -, file manager and terminal; around 800mb in kde and around the same in xfce. I asked you a while back when you first started this thread how you compared xfwm4 against kwin regarding performance and you told me it was still early days but that at that moment you didn't see much of a difference, which I agreed too by then, but now I can say that kwin seems to outperform xfwm4 and here's why:
I've looked into it and still can't understand exactly whether that's the case or not but it seems that xfwm4 uses xrender and doesnt support opengl while kwin uses both opengl and xrender being the former the default which IMHO offers a better graphics performance since it uses hardware accelaration, well at least thats how I understand it, correct me if Im wrong please. Xfwm4 does what it does really good, it's never failed to me but it doesnt have as many features as kwin when it comes to manage windows; kwin offers plenty of options to configure the windows to behave the way you want them to, that being said, I cant really say whether thats a very good thing or not because I havent done anything in that regard except for a few changes here and there like windows' border size which unlike xfwm4 is not governed by the theme but by kwin itself, apart from that I'm still using most of the defaults.
Dolphin is a great file manager, I don't think or can't say its better than thunar since it doesn't support root mode which is disabled by default and I use that quite a lot, then again, I can do the same things from the terminal only that it feels more confortable using a GUI. Another feature thunar has that dolphin doesn't is the ability to create custom actions which I also use a lot too, however, one could install some plugins that extend their capabilities, apart from that it works really good and havent had any issues with it so far.
Konsole is a great terminal but I do prefer xfce's; its easier to use and customize, at least from a newbie point of view I think and honestly for me too.
Regarding the panel I have mixed feelings, I like that it comes with useful widgets by default unlike xfce's where you have to add them by yourself, I'm talking about things like network, volume control, clipboard manager, keyboard switcher/settings widgets but apart from that, I don't see any advantage over xfce's.
Whisker menu is good but KDE's is better, yeah; you can search, find and open anything in your pc from it; browser bookmarks, files, directories, software, anything. You can't do that in whisker.
I won't talk about the looks because that is a whole different subject and in my opinion it's kind of irrelevant; one likes what one likes and not everyone likes what the rest do. Besides, LL has proven that xfce can look really nice and beautiful
Well, I just wanted to share a bit of my experience while using plasma so far and will keep on doing it when I see fit. Hope others may find it of any help when considering a probable LL move to using plasma as the default DE.