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Linux Replacements for Windows Programs
Office Suites & Applications

[td]Windows Application[/td]
[td]      Linux Alternatives[/td]
[td]Microsoft Office (suite)[/td]
[td]      LibreOffice,, KOffice, siag office, Calligra,[/td][/tr]
[td]      [/td]
[td]      WPS Office, EuroOffice[sup]2[/sup] , OnlyOffice[/td][/tr]
[td]Microsoft Word[/td]
[td]      LibreOffice Writer[sup]1[/sup], OOWriter, AbiWord, KWord[/td]
[td]Microsoft Excel[/td]
[td]      LibreOffice Calc[sup]1[/sup], OOCalc, KSpread, Gnumeric[/td]
[td]Microsoft Access, dBase [/td]
[td]      LibreOffice Base[sup]1[/sup], OOBase, Kexi[/td]
[td]Microsoft Powerpoint[/td]
[td]      LibreOffice Impress[sup]1[/sup], OOImpress, KPresenter, Impressive[/td]
[td]Microsoft Project[/td]
[td]      OpenProj, Planner, Gantt, MOOS Project Viewer[/td]
[td]Microsoft Publisher, Quark[/td]
[td]      Scribus[/td]
[td]Microsoft Visio[/td]
[td]      gliffy, Kivio, LibreOffice Draw[sup]1[/sup], OODraw, DIA,[/td]
[td]      [/td]
[td]      yEd Graph Editor[/td]
[td]Notepad, Wordpad [/td]
[td]      gedit, Kate, KWrite, Geany, XPad, notepadqq, Leafpad,[/td]
[td]        [/td]
[td]      Sublime text, Nedit, Atom [/td]
[td]Business Card Designer Pro[/td]
[td]      gLabels[/td]
[td]Adobe Acrobat viewer[/td]
[td]      Evince, Xpdf, Okular, Master PDF Editor[/td]
[td]Adobe Acrobat Distiller[/td]
[td]      CUPS-PDF, LibreOffice,[/td]
[td]Adobe Acrobat PDF editor[/td]
[td]      pdfedit, pdftk, pdfjam[/td]
[td]Microsoft Money, Quicken[/td]
[td]      GnuCash, KMyMoney, grisbi, Homebank[/td]
[td]Microsoft FrontPage, Dreamweaver[/td]
[td]      BlueGriffon, KompoZer, Amaya, Bluefish[/td]
[td]Autodesk AutoCAD[/td]
[td]      Bricscad, FreeCAD[/td]
[td]      Everpad, RedNotebook, NixNote, Springseed, Cherrytree,[/td]
[td]      [/td]
[td]      TagSpaces[/td]
[td]      Gourmet Recipe Manager[/td]
[td]      Clipman[/td]

Internet Applications

[td]Windows Application[/td]
[td]      Linux Alternatives[/td]
[td]Internet Explorer[/td]
[td]      Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Konqueror, Midori[/td]
[td]      Minitube[/td]
[td]Microsoft Outlook[/td]
[td]      Thunderbird, Kontact, Zimbra Desktop, Evolution[/td]
[td]MSN Messenger[/td]
[td]      Pidgin, aMSN, Kopete, Emesene, Gabber, Psi[/td]
[td]Microsoft Netmeeting[/td]
[td]      Ekiga[/td]
[td]      aMule[/td]
[td]uTorrent, Azureus[/td]
[td]      Transmission, Ktorrent, Vuze, Deluge, qBittorrent, uGet[/td]
[td]Skype (VoIP)[/td]
[td]      Skype, Ekiga, Jitsi, Google Hangouts[/td]
[td]CuteFTP, WS FTP[/td]
[td]      FileZilla, KFTPgrabber, FireFTP[/td]
[td]      Xchat, Pidgin, Konversation[/td]
[td]UltraVNC, Remote Desktop[/td]
[td]      rdesktop, NX, TightVNC, x11vnc, SSH, Synergy, Vinagre, Remmina[/td]
[td]Forte Agent[/td]
[td]      Pan[/td]

Multimedia Applications

[td]Windows Application[/td]
[td]      Linux Alternatives[/td]
[td]Adobe Photoshop[/td]
[td]      GIMP, GIMPshop, Krita[/td]
[td]Adobe Photoshop Elements[/td]
[td]      F-Spot, KPhotoAlbum, gThumb, Gwenview, digiKam[/td]
[td]Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator[/td]
[td]      Inkscape, Xara Xtreme[/td]
[td]Microsoft Paint[/td]
[td]      Tux Paint, KolourPaint[/td]
[td]Lightroom, Adobe Camera RAW[/td]
[td]      RawTherapee, darktable, LightZone, Aftershot Pro, UFRaw[/td]
[/tr][tr][td]Windows Live Photo Gallery[/td][td]      4K Slideshow Maker[/td][/tr][tr][td]ACDSee, Irfanview [/td]
[td]      XnView, Mirage, gThumb, GQview, Gwenview, Ristretto[/td]
[td]        [/td]
[td]      nomacs[/td]
[td]3D Studio MAX, Maya[/td]
[td]      Blender, K-3D, Softimage, Maya[/td]
[td]Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Premiere[/td]
[td]      Kdenlive, Cinellera, Kino, LiVES, AviDemux, PiTiVi[/td]
[td]          [/td]
[td]      OpenShot[/td]
[td]TMPGEnc DVD Author, ConvertXtoDVD[/td]
[td]      DeVeDe, Bombono, Handbrake, 'Q' DVD Author[/td]
[td] Videora, DVD Maker[/td]
[td]      Thin Liquid Film, DVDStyler[/td][/tr]
[td]Windows Media Player[/td]
[td]      VLC, Totem, Kaffeine, xine, MPlayer, QMPlay2[/td]
[td]        [/td]
[td]      Rhythmbox, Clementine[/td]
[td]Winamp, iTunes[/td]
[td]      Rhythmbox, Amarok, Banshee, Audacious, aTunes, Qmmp[/td][/tr]
[td]Cubase, CoolEdit, Cakewalk[/td]
[td]      Ardour, Audacity, Beast, GNUsound, Rosegarden[/td]
[td]NoteWorthy Composer[/td]
[td]      MuseScore, LilyPond[/td]
[td]Guitar Pro[/td]
[td]      TuxGuitar, MuseScore[/td]
[td]      EasyTAG, Puddletag[/td]

CD/DVD Recording

[td]Windows Application[/td]
[td]      Linux Alternatives[/td]
[td]Nero Burning ROM, Alcohol 120%[/td]
[td]      Brasero, K3b, X-CD-Roast, Xfburn[/td]
[td]UltraISO, PowerISO[/td]
[td]      ISO Master, AcetoneISO, CDemu[/td]
[td]Daemon Tools[/td]
[td]      CDemu[/td]

Server & Networking Applications

[td]Windows Application[/td]
[td]      Linux Alternatives[/td]
[td]Microsoft IIS[/td]
[td]      Apache, lighttpd, Zope, thttpd, Yaws, nginx[/td]
[td]Serv-U FTP Server, Filezilla FTP Server[/td]
[td]      vsftpd, Pure-FTPd, ProFTPD[/td]
[td]File/Printer Sharing[/td]
[td]      Samba[/td]
[td]Microsoft Exchange[/td]
[td]      Zimbra, Open-Xchange, Citadel[/td]
[td]Microsoft Sharepoint[/td]
[td]      KnowledgeTree, Open-Xchange[/td]
[td]Small Business Server[/td]
[td]      ClearOS, Zentyal, SME Server[/td]
[td]      L7-filter, MasterShaper, trickle, Bandwidth Arbitrator[/td]
[td]PA Server Monitor[/td]
[td]      ZenOSS, Nagios, Zabbix, Ncid[/td]
[td]      LinSSID[/td]
[td]Norton AntiVirus, McAfee[/td]
[td]      ClamAV, Avira, AVG, Avast[/td]
[td]ZoneAlarm, Sygate Firewall[/td]
[td]      Firestarter, FireHOL, Guarddog, Gufw, KMyFirewall[/td]


[td]Windows Application[/td]
[td]      Linux Alternatives[/td]
[td]Norton Partition Magic[/td]
[td]      Gparted, Qtparted, Parted Magic[/td]
[td]Norton Ghost[/td]
[td]      Clonezilla, Partimage, g4u, dd, Redo Backup, qt4-fsarchiver[/td]
[td]                  [/td]
[td]      TimeShift[/td]
[td]Winzip, WinRAR, 7-zip[/td]
[td]      File Roller, Ark, Karchiver, 7-Zip, Xarchiver, B1 Archiver[/td][/tr]
[td]Capsa Network Analyzer[/td]
[td]      Wireshark, Ethereal[/td]
[td]Bitvise Tunnelier[/td]
[td]      Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager, HotSSH[/td]
[td]FreeFile Sync[/td]
[td]      FreeFile Sync, rsync, rsnapshot, duplicity, ZBackup, Back In Time[/td]
[td]Dragon Naturally Speaking[/td]
[td]      Simon[/td]

Source: Linux in the UK

Changes to Source List by Linux Lite Community

Reference (Section Added) -
[sup]1[/sup] Components of the LibreOffice Suite. (thanks to ohjrson).
Merging of listings.
[sup]2 [/sup]Contains proprietary components. (thanks to avj).

Programs Added -
01/ qBittorrent alternative to uTorrent.
02/ QMPlay2 alternative to wmp (thanks to misko_2083).
03/ LinSSID alternative to Inssider (thanks to N4RPS). Thanks especially to the 
      author/maintainer for his individual help to me.
04/ Redo Backup alternative to Norton Ghost (thanks to rokytnji).
05/ qt4-fsarchiver alternative to Norton Ghost (thanks to rokytnji).
06/ Calligra alternative to Office (thanks to misko_2083).
07/ Midori alternative to IE (thanks to misko_2083).
08/ Minitube alternative to videoGET (thanks to misko_2083).
09/ Nomacs alternative to Irfanview (thanks to misko_2083).
10/ DIA alternative to Visio (thanks to Wirezfree).
11/ FreeFile Sync/FreeFile Sync (thanks to Wirezfree).
12/ Simon alternative to Dragon Naturally Speaking (thanks to Wirezfree).
13/ Pan alternative to Forte Agent.
14/ EasyTAG alternative to MP3Tag.
15/ Puddletag alternative to MP3Tag (thanks to riser).
16/ Geany alternative to Notepad & Wordpad (thanks to riser).
17/ Handbrake alternative to ConvertXtoDVD (thanks to riser).
18/ Xfburn alternative to Nero burning ROM (thanks to gold_finger).
19/ gLabels alternative to Business Card Designer Pro.
20/ FreeCAD alternative to Autodesk AutoCAD (thanks to riser).
21/ Everpad alternative to Evernote (thanks to altman).
22/ XPad alternative to Notepad (thanks to altman).
23/ Ristretto alternative to ACDSee (thanks to riser).
24/ PiTiVi alternative to Windows Movie Maker (thanks to riser).
25/ 7-Zip alternative to WinZip (thanks to riser).
26/ TimeShift alternative to Norton Ghost (thanks to riser).
27/ rsync, rsnapshot, duplicity, zbackup, BackInTime alternatives to FreeFileSynch (thanks to 
28/ notepadqq alternative to notepad/wordpad (thanks to altman).
29/ Gourmet Recipe Manager alternative to Mealmaster (thanks to gold_finger).
30/ Jitsi, Google Hangouts alternatives to Skype (thanks to riser).
31/ Sublime Text, LeafPad alternatives to Notepad (thanks to riser).
32/ Vinagre alternative to Remote Desktop (thanks to riser).
33/ OpenShot alternative to Windows Movie Maker (thanks to riser).
34/ Rhythmbox alternative to Windows Media Player (thanks to riser).
35/ Xarchiver alternative to WinZip (thanks to riser).
36/ Cherrytree alternative to Evernote (thanks to ukbrian).
37/ BlueGriffon alternative to Dreamweaver (thanks to N4RPS).
38/ MuseScore alternative to Guitar Pro (thanks to altman).
39/ uGet alternative to uTorrent (thanks to altman).
40/ yEd Graph Editor alternative to Microsoft Visio (thanks to LL-user). 
41/ nedit, Atom alternatives to Notepad, Wordpad (thanks to LL-user).
42/ Master PDF Editor alternative to Adobe Acrobat (thanks to LL-user).
43/ nginx alternative to Microsoft IIS (thanks to LL-user).
44/ WPS Office alternative to MS Office (thanks to altman).
45/ Impressive alternative to MS Powerpoint (thanks to altman).
46/ TagSpaces alternative to Evernote (thanks to altman).
47/ EuroOffice alternative to MS Office (thanks to altman).
49/ Clementine alternative to WMP (thanks to br1anstorm).
50/ NCID alternative to PA Server monitor (thanks to kstuart).
51/ Clipman alternative to ClipboardFusion (thanks to kstuart).
52/ Remmina alternative to UltraVNC (thanks to pedrito).
53/ Qmmp alternative to Winamp (thanks to NN).
54/ B1 Archiver alternative to WinZip, WinRar, et al. (thanks to NN).
55/ DVDStyler alternative to Windows DVD Maker (thanks to NN).
56/ 4k Slideshow Maker alternative to Windows Live Photo Gallery (thanks to NN).
57/ OnlyOffice alternative to Microsoft Office (thanks to NN).
58/ Rawtherapee, Darktable, Lightzone, Aftershot Pro, UFRaw alternatives to
      Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw (thanks to robinc).

Removed -
1/ Ubuntu One from Source list as this is now closed.
2/ Strikethrough replaced with Superscript #1 for clarity ( thanks to ohjrson).
3/ merging suggestions (thanks to riser).

Altered Links -
1/ Mirage, changed to Sourceforge link.
2/ trickle, changed to wiki.
3/ dd, changed to wiki.
4/ ClamAV, changed to correct url.

Please add your GUI alternatives, what they are an alternative to, and their link in replies, and I'll add them into the list.
Thank you bitsnpcs, an excellent resource. Also added a more accurate Title for the thread. Stickied Smile
Thank you Valtam for stickying it and changing the title, also for your help  Smile
The most thanks though for making an awesome Linux distro. I just collected my second issue of Linux Format today, it states next months issue will have an article about the best Distro's of 2014.

Internet cli application/browser

$ apt-cache policy uzbl
  Installed: 0.0.0~git.20120514-1.1
  Candidate: 0.0.0~git.20120514-1.1
  Version table:
*** 0.0.0~git.20120514-1.1 0
        500 trusty/universe i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
Flash and java work with no special tweaks. My favorite terminal based browser.

Radio streaming in terminal

$ apt-cache policy moc
  Installed: 1:2.5.0~beta1+svn20131120-1
  Candidate: 1:2.5.0~beta1+svn20131120-1
  Version table:
*** 1:2.5.0~beta1+svn20131120-1 0
        500 trusty/universe i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

also a favorite of mine. Another is

apt-cache policy cmus
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 2.5.0-4build1
  Version table:
     2.5.0-4build1 0
        500 trusty/universe i386 Packages

A good file manager I also like is

harry@harry-Latitude-XT2:~$ apt-cache policy spacefm
  Installed: 0.9.4-1
  Candidate: 0.9.4-1
  Version table:
     0.9.4-1 0
        500 trusty/universe i386 Packages

I know spacefm is not maintained anymore by ignorant guru but there are some killer plugins for burning isos and other things in it. Plus it is a double paned file manager. It does not take up much space and can run alongside Thunar.

Depends on ones tastes I guess.

LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
(09-05-2014, 09:52 PM)bitsnpcs link Wrote: I just collected my second issue of Linux Format today, it states next months issue will have an article about the best Distro's of 2014.

I hope we make the cut Smile
Would like a focus on easy to use, simple GUI equivalents, no terminal stuff as our target audience are Windows folk Smile
(09-05-2014, 10:00 PM)Valtam link Wrote: [quote author=bitsnpcs link=topic=833.msg4688#msg4688 date=1409953979]
I just collected my second issue of Linux Format today, it states next months issue will have an article about the best Distro's of 2014.

I hope we make the cut Smile

The review score was very high for Linux Lite, I know which one I would vote for  Wink
It is out on the 30th September.
(09-05-2014, 10:02 PM)Valtam link Wrote: ...our target audience are Windows folk Smile

You rang? Smile

Thanks to bitsnpcs for starting this thread.  As a not-terribly-bright, ex-Windows user, I really appreciate it.
For whatever reason the original title was changed back to "Useful Links'. I have changed it back again to ' Linux Replacements for Windows Programs '.
(09-06-2014, 06:50 AM)Monkeyman link Wrote: [quote author=Valtam link=topic=833.msg4691#msg4691 date=1409954543]
...our target audience are Windows folk Smile

You rang? Smile

Thanks to bitsnpcs for starting this thread.  As a not-terribly-bright, ex-Windows user, I really appreciate it.

Glad it is useful. I am in the same position.

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