11-08-2017, 02:20 AM
This an appeal to those who would like to take part in a trial of Install Updates - the Yad version.
- Make a back up copy of /usr/scripts/updates-gui
- Copy the following contents into updates-gui
My thoughts:
- I think the progress windows look a lot nicer.
- Dialogues automatically adjust according to what text is inside aiding in readability.
- Yad allows for much more scripting options which translates to more features for our applications.
Trial will last as long as you are happy to run this version of Install Updates.
Looking forward to your feedback and opinion.
- Make a back up copy of /usr/scripts/updates-gui
- Copy the following contents into updates-gui
# Name: Linux Lite Updates
# Description: A GUI tool to easily install Updates in Linux Lite.
# Authors: Misko_2083, Jerry Bezencon, gerito1, Ralphy
# Website: https://www.freecinema2022.gq
_APPNAME="Linux Lite Updates" # Application name variable
_ICON="/usr/share/icons/Faenza/apps/scalable/synaptic.svg" # Linux Lite icon variable
_UPDATES=$(mktemp /tmp/updateslist.XXXXXX) # Updates log variable
_DATE=$(date +"%A-%d-%B-%Y-%T") # Date variable
if [ ! -f "$_TMPU" ]; then echo "$_MYUPDUSER" > "$_TMPU"; chmod 600 "$_TMPU"; fi
_SVUSER=$(cat "$_TMPU")
# function remove temp files
rm_temp_files() {
rm -f $_SVUSER
rm -f $_TMPU
rm -f $_UPDATES
rm -f $_PLAIN
rm -f /tmp/updateslist.*
# function view, save update log
view_save_log() {
_ANS=$(yad --center --borders=15 --question --image=logviewer --text-info --width="780" --height="400" --window-icon="$_ICON" --title=" $_APPNAME - Error log" \
--button=gtk-cancel:1 --button="Save":0 --filename="$_LLUPDATES" 2>/dev/null); _OPT=$(echo $?)
if [[ "$_ANS" =~ "Copy to clipboard" ]]; then
sudo -u ${SUDO_USER:-$_SVUSER} xclip -selection c "$_LLUPDATES"
xhost local:$_SVUSER > /dev/null 2>&1
export DISPLAY=:0
notify-send -i "$_NTFYICON" 'Updates Log copied to clipboard' "Go to www.freecinema2022.gq/forums and paste the log into a new or existing thread." -t 10000
xhost - >/dev/null 2>&1; rm_temp_files; exit 0
case $_OPT in
0) szSavePath=$(yad --center --image=logviewer --borders=15 --title=" Save Updates Log" --width="600" --height="400" --file-selection --filename="/home/$_SVUSER/llupdates.log" \
--window-icon="$_ICON" --file-filter='*.log' --file-filter='All files | *' --save --confirm-overwrite 2>/dev/null)
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then sudo -u ${SUDO_USER:-$_SVUSER} cp "$_LLUPDATES" "$szSavePath"; rm_temp_files; else rm_temp_files; exit 0 ; fi ;;
1) rm_temp_files; exit 0 ;;
# Check Internet access
if eval "curl -sk google.com" >> /dev/null 2>&1; then :; else # Prompt ERROR internet connection check failed and exit
yad --center --borders=15 --info --width="320" --height="120" --window-icon="$_ICON" --button=gtk-ok:1 --title="$_APPNAME" \
--text="\n<b>Your computer is not connected to the Internet.</b> \n \nLinux Lite cannot check for Updates.\nPlease check your internet connection and try again.\n" --text-align center 2>/dev/null
rm_temp_files; exit 0
# Kill off any package managers that may be running
if [ "$(pidof synaptic)" ]; then killall -9 synaptic; fi
if [ ! -z "$(pgrep gdebi-gtk)" ]; then killall -9 gdebi-gtk; fi
# start dialog - Ask for elevation, else exit
if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]; then
yad --center --borders=15 --image=system-software-install --question --width="320" --height="120" --window-icon="$_ICON" --button=gtk-cancel:1 --button="Continue":0 --title="$_APPNAME" \
--text="\nLinux Lite will now fetch the Updates list.\n\nClick <b>Cancel</b> to exit now or <b>Continue</b> to proceed.\n" --text-align center 2>/dev/null
case $? in
0) pkexec "$0"; if [ "${PIPESTATUS[@]}" -eq "126" ]; then rm_temp_files; fi; exit 0 ;;
1) rm_temp_files; exit 0 ;;
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then
# xclip check/ install
if [ -z "$(dpkg -l | grep -E '^ii' | grep xclip)" ]; then
apt-get install xclip -y | yad --center --borders=15 --image=system-software-install --progress --pulsate --window-icon="$_ICON" --auto-close --no-cancel --width="320" --height="80" --title="$_APPNAME" \
--text="Preparing... please wait...\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar 2>/dev/null
# Repositories registered
_SLIST=$(grep '^deb ' -c /etc/apt/sources.list)
_SLISTD=$(grep -R --exclude="*.save" '^deb ' -c /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | grep -c /)
APTUPDATE=$(($_SLIST + $_SLISTD)) # Total of repositories registered, this is approximated
apt-get update 2>&1 | tee "$_LLUPDATES" |
awk -v total=$APTUPDATE '/^Ign|^ Get/{count++;$1=""} FNR { if (total != 0){percentage=int (1000*count/total);print (percentage < 90?percentage:99),"\n#",substr($0, 0, 128) }; fflush(stdout)}' \
| yad --center --undecorated --borders=35 --progress --width="600" --text="Updating package lists...\n" --text-align center --window-icon="$_ICON" --title="Updating Software Sources - please wait..." --percentage="0" --no-buttons --skip-taskbar --pulsate --auto-close 2>/dev/null
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
unset APTUPDATE; rm_temp_files; unset _UPDATES
sed -i '1 i\===========================\
Install Updates Error Log\
Install Updates could not fetch the package cache information lists.\
Go to https://www.freecinema2022.gq/forums/ and paste the log below into\na new or existing thread for assistance.\n\
============ Log ===========\n' "$_LLUPDATES"
sleep 4 | yad --center --borders=15 --image=error --progress --pulsate --window-icon="error" --auto-close --no-cancel --width="380" --height="80" --title="$_APPNAME - Error" \
--text="Errors occurred while fetching packages cache information lists.\n\n Retrieving error log, please wait...\n" --no-buttons --skip-taskbar --text-align center 2>/dev/null
view_save_log; exit 1
# Creates a list in /tmp/updateslist
apt-get --just-print dist-upgrade 2>&1 | perl -ne 'if (/Inst\s([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\s\[([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\]\s\(([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\)? /i) {print "Name: $1 INSTALLED: $2 AVAILABLE: $3\n"}' |
awk '{print NR,":\t"$0}' > $_PLAIN
sed '
# Check for available updates; if none then remove /tmp/updateslist.XXXXXX and display up-to-date dialog
if [ -z "$(cat $_PLAIN)" ]; then
rm_temp_files; unset _UPDATES
yad --center --borders=15 --image=gtk-info --info --window-icon="$_ICON" --width="260" --height="60" --title=" $_APPNAME" \
--text="\nYour system is up to date.\n" --text-align center 2>/dev/null
exit 0
# Erase existing available info
dpkg --clear-avail
rm_temp_files; unset _UPDATES; exit 0
# Call the yad dialog to show update list
yad --center --borders=15 --image=system-software-install --text-info --back=#eff1f4 --window-icon="$_ICON" --button=gtk-cancel:1 --button="Update Now":0 --title=" $_APPNAME" --width="760" --height="400" --fontname="Droid regular 10" --filename="$_UPDATES" 2>/dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then
# Continue script if no halt, remove tmp file and unset variables
rm $_UPDATES; unset _UPDATES
#Begin upgrade
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" dist-upgrade -y 2>&1 | tee "$_LLUPDATES" |
awk ' BEGIN { FS=" "; total=1;end_download=0} /upgraded/ {total= $1 + $3;FS="[ :]" } /^Get:[[:digit:]]+/ {printf "#Downloading %s %s %s\n",$7,$(NF-1),$NF;print int(($2 - 1) * 100 / total);
fflush(stdout)} /^\(Reading / {if (end_download==0){print 100;fflush(stdout);end_download=1}} /^(Preparing|Unpacking|Selecting|Processing|Setting|Download)/ {print "#", substr($0, 0, 128); fflush(stdout)}' \
| ( yad --center --undecorated --borders=35 --progress --width="600" --window-icon="$_ICON" --percentage="0" --auto-close --text="Downloading package(s)...\nThis may take a while.\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar 2>/dev/null;
yad --center --undecorated --borders=35 --progress --window-icon="$_ICON" --width="600" --text="Installing and configuring package(s)...\nThis may take a while.\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar --pulsate --auto-close 2>/dev/null)
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
sed -i '1 i\===========================\
Install Updates Error log\
Install Updates could not successfully download and install available updates.\
Go to https://www.freecinema2022.gq/forums/ and paste the log below into a new or existing thread for assistance.\n\
============ Log ===========\n' "$_LLUPDATES"
sleep 4 | yad --center --borders=15 --image=error --progress --pulsate --window-icon="error" --auto-close --no-cancel --width="320" --height="80" --title="$_APPNAME - Error" \
--text="Errors occurred while updating. \n\n Retrieving errors log. Please wait...\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar 2>/dev/null
view_save_log; exit 0
# Halt updates script if user selects Cancel
rm_temp_files; unset _UPDATES
yad --center --borders=15 --image=info --info --width="300" --button=gtk-ok:1 --timeout="6" --window-icon="$_ICON" --title=" $_APPNAME" --text="\nUpdates have been canceled.\n" --text-align center 2>/dev/null
exit 0
# If Ubuntu base package has been upgraded during Install Updates, /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth
llverprnt=$(awk '{print}' /etc/llver)
if grep -q 0x988592 "$checkdefplym"; then
sed -i "s/^title=Ubuntu.*$/title=$llverprnt/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth ;
sed -i "s/black=0x2c001e/black=0x000000/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth ;
sed -i "s/white=0xffffff/white=0xffffff/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth ;
sed -i "s/brown=0xff4012/brown=0xffff00/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth ;
sed -i "s/blue=0x988592/blue=0x000000/g" /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth && update-initramfs -u |
yad --center --undecorated --borders=35 --progress --width=600 --auto-close --pulsate --text="Updating boot configuration please wait...\n" --text-align center --no-buttons --skip-taskbar
echo " "
PROCEED=$(yad --center --borders=15 --question --image=logviewer --width="300" --height="80" --window-icon="$_ICON" --title=" $_APPNAME" --text-align center --window-icon="$_ICON" --button="No":1 --button="Yes":0 --text="\n$_APPNAME completed successfully.\n\nWould you like to view the\n$_APPNAME log?\n" 2>/dev/null ; echo $?)
if [ ${PROCEED} -eq 1 ]; then rm_temp_files; :; else
yad --center --borders=15 --question --image=logviewer --text-info --width="750" --height="400" --button="Close":1 --button="Save":0 --title=" $_APPNAME - Log" --filename="$_LLUPDATES" 2>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# Save report
szSavePath=$(yad --center --image=logviewer --borders=15 --width="600" --height="400" --window-icon="$_ICON" --title=" Save Updates log" --file-selection --filename=/home/$_SVUSER/llupdates-"${_DATE}".txt --file-filter='*.txt' \
--file-filter='All files | *' --save --confirm-overwrite 2>/dev/null)
sudo -u ${SUDO_USER:-$_SVUSER} cp "$_LLUPDATES" "$szSavePath"; rm_temp_files; else rm_temp_files; :
if [ -s /var/run/reboot-required ]; then
yad --center --question --image=gtk-info --borders=15 --width="300" --height="100" --window-icon="$_ICON" --button="Continue using my computer:"1 --button="Restart Now":0 --title=" Linux Lite Updates" --text-align center \
--text="These updates require the system to be restarted\nfor the changes to take effect.\n\nWould you like to restart now?\n" 2>/dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then reboot; else exit 0 ; fi
exit 0
My thoughts:
- I think the progress windows look a lot nicer.
- Dialogues automatically adjust according to what text is inside aiding in readability.
- Yad allows for much more scripting options which translates to more features for our applications.
Trial will last as long as you are happy to run this version of Install Updates.
Looking forward to your feedback and opinion.