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VirtualBox running Mint 18.2
After installing VirtualBox using Lite Software, setup Mint 18.2 and when I started it, got an error messag that a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv  It then says to install virtualbox-dkms package and load kernel module by executing  'modprobe vboxdrv as root.

Did this and the package will still not run.  Uninstaled and reinstalled Virtualbox and still no headway.  What am I missing.

Running on Dell Precision M4500 i7 with 8gb ddr3 ram.
Systems runs LL3.4 very well and I was hoping to use Virtualbox with this as it was in the Lite software and hopefully ready to run after installation. :-[
Hello BarryVG,

I am using LL 3.2 with VirtualBox, I set virtual box up following the tutorial in the manual as I had not used it before, the process went fine.
Part of this involved setting up a VirtualBox Extensions pack.
Have you set up the extension pack also ?

In the search I found this
Which has info about removing and purging VirtualBox if you need to do a fresh install.

Other than these I don't really have any other ideas, and do not want to make any issue worse with experiments.

I did notice a thread today on the forum that says Mint 18 uses kernel 4.10, is it likely that the newer kernel is the causing the problem ?
Although using LL 3.2 if you want me to I can d/l  Mint 18.2 and see if it runs in VirtualBox to help determine whether or not the kernel it uses is the cause, or if it is something specific to LL 3.4, to try and reduce/isolate the cause a little bit, just let me know please, and if so a link to the desktop version of Mint you are using ?
I use kernel 4.9 in LL 3.2
Is there a setting in the Dell setup utility to allow virtual computing?

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
Hi again and thanks for the comments. I'm running bios 4.12 per instructions from this forum.  I don't think I've run the extension, so will look at that.  I also started Peppermint 8.0 thinking I may have missed something, it too is doing the same errors messages.  I'll feedback I'm my process. Tongue
Hello BarryVG,

thank you for update, look forward to read how the process goes. Smile
Well, unloaded and reloaded virutalbox.  Followed the manual which was something I had not picked up before.  Installed the extensions, for V5.0.40 and setup the ISO source, but when starting, got the same messages moomdule vboxdrv is not found.  So search says to load headers, found that reference, did that, still not finding vboxdrv in 4.12 folder.  As I did a upgrade to the kernel per information from this site, i wonder if this is the reason.  This is becoming a bit frustrating.  The help manual did not discuss headers.  Any suggestions would be helpful :-\
Hello BarryVG,

have you rebooted your computer (to load the headers) since updating the Linux headers ?
(this was the solution for this on ArchLinux bbs)
What fun this is.  Have rebooted a few times, removed and reinstall the dkms stuff, tried to do the modprobe vboxdrv, no luck.  Took screen shots of the errors and attempted to attach, no luck, cannot attach png files.  Converted the png to jpg, cannot use that format either.  So have attached two text files with the errors.  The command screen file at the end says there is an error building the module for kernel 4.12  Wonder if this is the issue and should I wait for the next LL 3.6 version.  Has taken me a bit to get this system up, since BIOS was about 7 versions old and had to get that up so it would recognize the 1tb drive I put in.  Again, thanks much for any guidance and suggestions.

Attached Files
.txt   dkms reinstall.txt (Size: 2.56 KB / Downloads: 347)
.txt   kernel driver not installed.txt (Size: 592 bytes / Downloads: 333)
Hello BarryVG,

images have to be stored on an image host.
I use  for screenshots, they are uploaded, a captcha has to be typed, then of the links made highlight the one beginning and ending in IMG tags inside square brackets, copy/paste this into your post and the image will appear on the post.
No login or user account is needed at tinypic.

Reran the start of Peppermint 8 in Virtualbox after booting system.  Again the virtual machine failed to open session saying modprobe vboxdrv was missing in the 4.12 folder.
Reloaded the dkms for 5.0.040 and got this:

Loading new virtualbox-5.0.40 DKMS files...
Building only for 4.12.0
Building initial module for 4.12.0
Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 4.12.0 (x86_64)
Consult /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/5.0.40/build/make.log for more information.

Think I'm going to wait until LL3.6 final comes out and attempt at that time using the kernel that comes with that version.  I'm thinking the update to kernel 4.12 is the issue.

I'll update once I've gone past the 3.6 install.  Thanks all.

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