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Using Gnome Software Center on Linux Lite 3.0 (?)
While I was waiting for LL 3.0 to be released I tried out the pre-release copy of the distro Xubuntu 16.04 (Quite liked it). One thing I really liked was the 'Gnome Software Center'. I noticed it listed in Synaptic, so I installed it for LL 3.0. I certainly know how to use it, but is it OK to use on Linux Lite? As we all know Linux Lite is a heavily modified system. There's nothing wrong with 'Synaptic', but there are a few features about Gnome SC I like. Gnome SC was a great piece of software for Xubuntu, but is it for LL? Thanks to any & all. By the way: If it's OK for LL, check it out.
I don't know if the Gnome Software Center works ok on LL3.
There were problems with the ubuntu one in LL2, so let us know if the Gnome one works ok Smile

One that does work ok is the Lubuntu Software Center.

The link shows how to install it.

While a software center that isn't installed with your LL 3.0 build is not officially supported by the distro, I think, for the most part, you'll be okay with either the Gnome Software Center or the Lubuntu Software Center.  YouTuber Joe Collins even showed how the ubuntu-mate-welcome could be installed to make use of the Ubuntu Mate Software Boutique.

I used the Lubuntu Software Center shown in Spatry's video with the LL 2.x series when I was newer and needed something graphical.  Now that I know the names of the software I want from the repository, I actually do use the Linux Lite Install/Remove Software utility (aka Synaptic Package Manager) to install what I need.

Again, none of this is really sanctioned/supported by Linux Lite so create regular restore points using Systemback just in case.
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Thanks for the answer. I'll probably uninstall it. I just did a Systemback backup & .ISO today, now that you mention it. Glad you mentioned it to remind people to get in the habit. Has saved me a few times as bright ideas don't work out. Think of 'Dr. Smith' from 'Lost In Space' - I wonder what this button does?
Installing other software centers is very risky, if it wasn't we'd provide instructions and support accordingly. The last thing we need is people posting, "I installed this software center, now my system is messed up, how do I fix it?" This draws support people away from helping others on threads that have a higher priority.
First of all there is no need to install another software center other than your installed distro SC. It's only a matter of repos listing. Secondly another distro based SC will not always identify broken packages and bugs correctly in relation to your installed OS. For a new user it is a bad idea, and an experienced user would not do it anyway, just add repos and signkeys instead. Unnecessary and risky both.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
(06-11-2016, 04:09 PM)trinidad link Wrote: First of all there is no need to install another software center other than your installed distro SC. It's only a matter of repos listing. Secondly another distro based SC will not always identify broken packages and bugs correctly in relation to your installed OS. For a new user it is a bad idea, and an experienced user would not do it anyway, just add repos and signkeys instead. Unnecessary and risky both.

Well said.

I use Xubuntu 16.04 regularly, and Gnome Software Center doesn't particularly impress me. Therefore, I installed Lubuntu Software Center. When I'm feeling lazy, I use IT, instead.

Lite Software may have less 'bells and whistles', but it's ABSOLUTELY safe, and Jerry's done a GREAT job at keeping it 'lite', to be punny...

[Image: EtYqOrS.png%5D]

A gun in your hand is worth more than a whole police force on the phone.

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