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Post Your Desktop Screenshots!
[Image: j2Xdfzd.png]

Hello all, hope I've followed your forum guidelines correctly. For whatever reason, I suppose I was trying to go with an old Gnome Ubuntu look here (sorry) :Smile

On Left, is LVDS (Distortion @ bottom is an artifact);
gtk - Zukitwo-Dark-reloaded
icons - Vibrancy-Full-Dark-Pink
background - Ubuntu
Whisker theme - Just my own tweaking to match rest of gtk theme.
Panel - relocated to top & adjusted to approximate old Ubuntu gnome panel

On Right, my VGA with matching purple Ubuntu background with Terminal, G+ and Thunar open.  Smile
(11-11-2015, 07:29 PM)Wirezfree link Wrote: Ohh games, I burnt myself out around 1974/5 to early 80's with PONG, Space Invaders and Galaxians on my ZX81
When I look back, and compare with today OMG... How could I have spent hours and hours and hours on them.....

The answer is simple: you didn't know better. You had what you had back in those days and that was it!

Same goes for me. Some months ago i installed Windows 98 in a VM and installed Duke Nukem 3D just for good old times. Horrible  screen resolution! But that's what you had to deal with when Duke 3D was released....
My laptop:
MSI GE70-2PE*Quad core Intel Core i7-4710HQ*Kingston 16 GB RAM*Intel 4th Gen. Integr. GPU/NVidia GeForce GTX860M*Qualcomm Atheros Killer E2200/Intel Wireless 3160

I don't need Google, my wife knows everything!

My Linux website
(10-23-2015, 04:12 PM)Ogis1975 link Wrote: And here some programs, with nice of touch of transparency

How to get it transparant??
My laptop:
MSI GE70-2PE*Quad core Intel Core i7-4710HQ*Kingston 16 GB RAM*Intel 4th Gen. Integr. GPU/NVidia GeForce GTX860M*Qualcomm Atheros Killer E2200/Intel Wireless 3160

I don't need Google, my wife knows everything!

My Linux website
To nomko:  To enable transparency go to Menu>Settings>Window Manager Tweaks,  then click on the Compositor tab and click the check box to enable compositing.
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” - Thomas Edison
(02-11-2016, 10:53 PM)avj link Wrote: To nomko:  To enable transparency go to Menu>Settings>Window Manager Tweaks,  then click on the Compositor tab and click the check box to enable compositing.

Thanks! i'll give it a try.
My laptop:
MSI GE70-2PE*Quad core Intel Core i7-4710HQ*Kingston 16 GB RAM*Intel 4th Gen. Integr. GPU/NVidia GeForce GTX860M*Qualcomm Atheros Killer E2200/Intel Wireless 3160

I don't need Google, my wife knows everything!

My Linux website
The left screen background is of the Sangre De Cristo mountains in Santa Fe NM, USA

[Image: Screenshot_02242016_10_33_05_PM.jpg]
*Hardware hacks are my speciality.
"forum posts should be like a skirt- long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting"
--I am using/Running Linuxlite 2.8, Debian8 server, Ubuntu 14, Win7,Win10, MX15, LinuxMint kde.
--Xerox field service engineer, printer repairs,network analyst.
Bump for new Members to show off their desktops Smile
Just added Cairo-Dock

[Image: QJUfgFI.png]
Windows 10 dark style

[Image: 33lkz9u.png]

[Image: 33w4mlv.png]
[Image: Screenshot_04132016_11_45_16_AM.png]

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