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Failure of installing apache openoffice 4.1.2 on LinuxLite 2.6

I am wondering if there are    instructions, on the internet,  as regards the installtion  of openoffice 4.1.2  specific  to Linux Lite 2.6.? Following some existent ones did not help at all; and also the removal of Libre office is not completely  executed.   
Thanks a lot
Instead of uninstalling an app default to the Linux Lite build, it is better to install a different app and make it your preferred application.  Users have run into trouble with Linux Lite by removing default apps.

I'm sorry I don't have information on installing OpenOffice.  But LibreOffice is a fork of OpenOffice and it currently has more development and support than OpenOffice.  Based on this link, it doesn't seem to be worth the trouble to replace LibreOffice with OpenOffice.  But I can understand your curiosity, and perhaps another forum member can aid you with that.

I recommend that you do not uninstall LibreOffice, and if you do decide to install OpenOffice once you find out how, please create a restore point first using Systemback.
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I've never installed Open Office. I did, however, uninstall LibreOffice without difficulty and replaced it with Abiword. Sure, I had to do a quick internet search to learn how to delete the icons from my menu and file system but that took appx 1 minute.

I found out how to remove the remaining elements of LibreOffice here:

I used Thunar as superuser and navigated to:


and I removed the 3 files in each place that said "LibreOffice"

I went to Apache and found that you can download the .deb file, which means it should be super easy to install it into Linux Lite. Just download the .deb and it should open with Gdebi package installer and you're all set. Here's the link:
LL is aimed at new folk to linux. We've had to heavily modify the existing desktop environment to achieve that. I don't recommend installing software that is already provided eg. another office suite.
As has been stated by others, LibreOffice and OpenOffice are almost the same.  If you have a specific reason for needing OpenOffice I believe you must remove LibreOffice first because the two will conflict with each other.  If that is the case, use Synaptic Package Manager to remove all LibreOffice components, then follow instructions posted by regularfella to get rid of icons and install OpenOffice.

Nice job looking into that for the OP.
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I am trying to install OpenOffice 4.1.3 myself to LL 3.4. I have also removed Libre Office and have downloaded the Deb files for OO.
My goal is to support OO rather than LO. But I followed the instructions on the site to install and it is not working.

The instructions to install are:

The software is installed using the dpkg -i command.
1. Login as root or from the GUI, open a root terminal.
2. Type the following command, to install the software:
dpkg -i -–force-overwrite*.deb \

But it does not work. Any ideas?


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