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Posting Images Reminder
A friendly reminder to folks who are not following Forums Posting Guidelines when posting pictures. Some people are using other image hosters that appear so small, we have trouble seeing the image. Using alternative web image hosters may hinder you getting the Support you need as I know some people cannot be bothered trying to view tiny thumbnails. I want to help people, but if I see another 1" x 1" thumbnail, I think I'll go bonkers! Smile

Preferred Image Hoster -

Thank you Smile

Forums Posting Guidelines -
You talking to me Jerry? If so sorry. I thought the thumbnails from postmyimage site was easier on space in a post.
Some of my imagur shots showed up as large screenshots in the preview, Which concerned me,  and I assumed smaller would be better.

Again sorry bro.

Modify:  I just checked my thumnails in the Time out thread. It is just 2 left clicks to get a full screen image offsite from the forum.

Quote:trying to view tiny thumbnails.

But it is your show. So I will kow tow.  ;D
LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
You might not be alone , I posted a little while ago also .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
New people are joining the Forum all the time, I would not expect them to be aware of the Forum Posting Guidelines even if it is in the same section as Introductions. This is a general reminder for everyone in an effort to preserve consistency across the forums.
I've always used a different image posting site -- -- and just noticed a few days ago that they seem to have disappeared.  Thought it was just a temporary disruption of service, but it's been days now and they're still gone.


Unfortunately, that means any prior post of mine with screenshots hosted by them now has no more screenshots.  ...And I didn't usually keep those pics on my computer (thus can't easily replace them) so probably a number of posts now that don't make a lot of sense without the screenshots.

Will start using Jerry's recommended site and hopefully they don't disappear too.
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Hi GF,
Does Cloudflare indirectly cache any of the screenshots? I haven't noticed missing screenshots in any of your posts yet. Maybe you can do the right-click, save shuffle on some of them.
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
#7 seems to keep the images for a very long time. I would even suggest regular contributors to the Forums set up an account to ensure your images stick.
(01-24-2015, 03:12 PM)Scott(0) link Wrote: Hi GF,
Does Cloudflare indirectly cache any of the screenshots? I haven't noticed missing screenshots in any of your posts yet. Maybe you can do the right-click, save shuffle on some of them.

Not that I'm aware of.  I haven't looked through all of my old posts, but had a quick look at one that I know had a screenshot in it and it was gone.

(01-24-2015, 09:57 PM)Jerry link Wrote: seems to keep the images for a very long time. I would even suggest regular contributors to the Forums set up an account to ensure your images stick.

It's not that the site deleted pics after a certain length of time.  It appears that the site itself vanished from the internet.  Will just switch to imgur for future needs.
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Imgur keeps the images if they have 1 view per 6 months. How long do you keep the images?
TinyPic help/FAQ says -
Images and videos in your account will not be removed.
Images and videos that are not associated with an account are kept until they have not been viewed for 90 days. After 90 days, they may be removed.

Based on this it seems if members create a TinyPic account and post the images from this they will be permanent, even if not viewed, so it is more durable for the forum.
Can it be considered as the preferred image host ?

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