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Time and date is not working properly
Dear Sir/Madam,

I have installed Linux Lite 6.4 on my Lenovo Thinkpad Edge S520 and facing updates Errors which is being controlled by using time set manually. But on restart my time zone Asia/Karachi is not matching  with system. I will appreciate if someone can resolve this or guide me how to correct this problem.

Thanks with in anticipation,

If you can access the BIOS on your machine, next time you boot up, go to BIOS settings and note what time the hardware clock is set to.  Then let the machine boot up normally.  Open a terminal (by pressing Ctrl Alt and T together) and run this command.


Post back with the actual time (at your location), what the BIOS time is set at and the output of the command shown above.
Dear Sir/Madam,

I had already set local time in Bios and that is working normally. Now i have applied command according to your suggestion  and got the following message;-

Hope, the above file may assist you to understand my problem.
That file is on your computer, so only you can see it.

To post the text into this forum, follow these instructions.
From the terminal session, highlight the text showing the command and the output, click 'edit' then 'copy'.

On this forum, click reply, then in the reply window click the insert code icon.  This is the  '#' symbol which you should see in the row above all the yellow icons above the reply window.

This should insert the words code and /code enclosed in square brackets in your reply.
Right click exactly between the two tags then paste. This should insert the text between the code tags.

Please tell us the actual time at your location when you make the reply..
Quote:I had already set local time in Bios and that is working normally.

This may be the problem because Linux may be expecting the BIOS RTC to be UTC and will apply an offset depending on what you set the timezone to be.

We need to see the output of the command and know what the BIOS clock is set to and your local time to be sure.
(06-08-2023, 04:40 AM)Muhammad Umar Farooq link Wrote: Dear Sir/Madam,

I had already set local time in Bios and that is working normally. Now i have applied command according to your suggestion  and got the following message;-

Hope, the above file may assist you to understand my problem.
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 linuxlite-umar  ~  timedatectl
              Local time: Thu 2023-06-08 03:26:56 PKT
          Universal time: Wed 2023-06-07 22:26:56 UTC
                RTC time: Wed 2023-06-07 22:26:56
                Time zone: Asia/Karachi (PKT, +0500)
System clock synchronized: no
              NTP service: n/a
          RTC in local TZ: no
 linuxlite-umar  ~  
Your system is set to interpret the BIOS clock as UTC and is offsetting the system clock for the time zone which means your system clock shows as incorrect.

Try setting your BIOS clock to UTC.

You can get UTC from sites like this.
Dear sir,

I have checked my bios setting there is no option RTC OR UTC except date and time. Secondly, I could not add UTC because I did not know much much more iT solution. Kindly, guide me if I can do at my end by scripting command line etc.

Or there is only solution for me to before start my routine work to adjust time manually in system and go on.
At the moment, the BIOS clock looks like it is set to local time.
Adjust the BIOS clock so that it shows UTC time instead of local time.

The link will show what UTC time is if you need to check.

Once BIOS clock matches UTC, the Linux system will factor in the timezone setting and you should see the correct time for your region when the system is booted.
Dear Sir,

Thanks a lot  of you for teaching me for resolution of time discrepancy. 


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