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How can i see Linux 5 series Updates in terminal
Linux lite versions 3 and 4, allowed me to see how an update was progressing in a terminal.
Linux lite version 5, tells me what it will update, then disappears for what seems a long time and then finally says what it has updated.
I would like to see what it is doing real time, as it is doing it.
is there a way to do this.?
There's a known problem with the lite update GUI not showing update progress.  This only affects a minority of machines and has been seen in version 4 and 5.

If affected by this problem, when you initiate updates from the GUI you see the updating sources window appear as normal and then the available updates list dialog - again as normal.

After clicking to accept the updates, the downloading updates dialog *may* appear very briefly before disappearing.  After that, there is no on screen indication of anything happening.  For a large update/low speed connection this can take several minutes.

On completion, the updates completed dialog and option to view and save the updates log appear as normal.

If that's the problem you have, one way of monitoring in real time is to open a terminal window (e.g. right click on desktop and select 'open terminal here' or press CTRL-ALT-t together) and while the downloading and updating process is running use the following command in that window.

tail /var/log/llupdates.log

This will show you the last few lines of the update progress log as it builds.  Repeating the command every few seconds should give you a close to real time indication of what is happening.

As you say you didn't have the problem in version 4, this may not be what you've got and you'll need to provide a bit more information.
Your code has helped a lot
i now have an idea of how long it is taking to update
Thank you
Further to my last reply, i had a problem updating software today, see link
which in turn sent me to link
after running the following

Raidienaty said
Found out that I needed to reconfigure dpkg again:
sudo dpkg --configure -a

then just have apt do a fix broken:
sudo apt --fix-broken install

i ran install updates again and everything works, i now see in a caption box with what it is updating as it is doing it
So Finally Solved for me
Thank you

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