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Recommendation for ultra simple wysiwyg html editor - if any within repositories
I'm looking for an ultra simple wysiwyg html editor - if any exists within the current Linux Lite 4.4 repositories.

I understand today's web is becoming the entertainment and advertising conduit for the world - and html is becoming increasingly complex.

But I'm looking for an ultra simple html editor to create ultra basic text.

I've looked in synaptic and don't readily see anything.
I've looked at TinyMCE - but that does not appear to be a wysiwyg editor.

I suppose I could try to use a LybreOffice - but I'm wondering if that is going to populate the html page with a ton of unnecessary html code?

Sincere thanks
No need to reply - I discovered the BlueGriffon is a trouble-free program that can be installed in Linux Lite.
I read a thread with a few testimonies on using it.
So I installed it in a virtual copy of LL and tried it out.
So I think I will install it in my non-virtual environment.

Really appreciate Linux!  :-]
LibreOffice will do a better job for you once you realize that you can use it as a wysiwyg editor and then add/remove head/organize the code easily using source view. It also provides quite usable options for epub extensions. Blue Griffon will not automatically produce code for several functions and will require the same kinds of editing at times. Most of the complaints against LO are not necessarily true. All wysiwyg editors require some manual code input as the page grows more complex. Most people mess up with font and color coding, using non-browser-friendly code. Because LibreOffice is a full office suite many non-browser-friendly components are present. Most complaints originate from users not knowing what will work and making wrong choices for the sake of aesthetics, but again with .html you can write and browser preview your own code in source view.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.

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