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Right click on blank area of desktop now different menu
Hoping someone can help.  I did a new install on a laptop and while initially it showed the "usual" menu when I right clicked (See first photo), it now shows a DIFFERENT menu when I right click (see second photo).  I know it had the original menu because I changed the desktop background image. The "new" menu is essentially the same as if I click on the bottom left MENU tab. I don't know what I did to have changed this, hence I don't know how to resolve the problem.

I would like to revert to the original menu when I right click (FIRST photo in my imgur link).
here is the imgur link:
[member=7067]JanetBiggar[/member]  Hi, I'm not sure if this will help, but when you changed the background image did you perhaps click on the menu tab of the "Desktop Settings" dialog and untick/tick a box.

I would check the settings there and perhaps compare them with a laptop that works correctly Smile
Owner and DJ at WKDfm Radio ( )
(11-25-2019, 07:15 AM)DeepThought link Wrote: [member=7067]JanetBiggar[/member]  but when you changed the background image did you perhaps click on the menu tab of the "Desktop Settings" dialog and untick/tick a box.

I would check the settings there and perhaps compare them with a laptop that works correctly Smile

Good thought. Unfortunately I already reverted to an earlier restore point and do not have a restore point with the "second menu" to go and check.  Nonetheless, if this occurs again I will check with a screen shot I took of the correct menu.  Thanks.

Quote:Nonetheless, if this occurs again I will check with a screen shot I took of the correct menu.  Thanks.

This is a good idea, but as you have mentioned that you refurbish laptops for young people on a regular basis, why not take screen shots of ALL menu settings that work.

Quite often we are advised to make a backup of any config file we want to tweak but tend to forget settings we change in a dialog. I run an internet Radio station and overtime I've had to reinstall the software I use to DJ with. Trying to get everything set up to DJ can be an onerous task so now I have screenshots of all the dialog settings saved on a usb drive, so setting up the dj software is done in a matter of minutes rather than hours.

I'm not suggesting you screenshot everything, but the main changes you make can be saved for future reference. Smile
Owner and DJ at WKDfm Radio ( )
Thanks DeepThought, I took your advice and tweaked it a bit by simply pulling up the screen on another laptop I was working on and found my problem. There is a drop down menu in the desktop area and I had inadvertently changed it from the preferred one to the one that says minimized  icons. Have a look at this screen shot:

I simply changed it back to the one I like which is the other choice NOT the "minimized application icons"
Glad you got it sorted Smile
Owner and DJ at WKDfm Radio ( )

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