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Tried installing LL 4.0 from USB
This is the first time I’ve tried installing LL 4.0. I have successfully installed LL 3.2 - 3.8 (at least 25-30 times) from both DVDs and USBs having downloaded the ISO files and creating the bootable media.

Initially I made a USB using etcher as it seems that since updating my Mac I can no longer create a bootable iso via SuperDrive (or at least I haven’t found anything explaining how to do so when I’ve googled). I plugged it into an Acer Aspire R3 131T (quad core, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB HD) and the menu came up with the choices of running LL, running in safe mode, etc. As I usually do first time I chose to run a live session to check things out and got a bunch of text I didn’t understand and then the screen turned black and I had a spinning wheel-like icon that just kept spinning and not changing.

I’m pretty sure from the info I found on the net about this laptop it is 64-bit, so I don’t believe that’s the issue (I couldn't seem to verify via BIOS if it’s 64-bit hence why I googled it).

I bailed and loaded LL 3.8 on the machine and because I’d like to check out LL 4.0 I then did what Trinidad suggested in this previously posted forum thread:

I erased the USB using gparted then created the bootable ISO, all on the Acer running LL 3.8

I got the same initial menu screen, upon choosing to run the live session the same text stuff came up followed by the spinning wheel again.

I’m just wondering if this is an issue with LL 4.0 and that maybe making an ISO of 4.2 or 4.4 would work or is it something else? Is this something that might show up if indeed this machine is 32 bit vs 64 bit..?

I will try to upload the photo I took of the text. There’s lots of lines stating the following with stuff before these English words:
ACPI Error: No handler for region [RAM_]
ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed
No caching mode page found
Assuming drive cache: write though
Failed to reset device (this line showed up 3x in a row)

Any thoughts?
Here is the photo of the screen:
Known Ubuntu bug to do with the touchpad. You can try go into BIOS and change Touchpad option from Advanced to Basic. If that doesn't work, go to type 1784152 into the Search box and try the various fixes.

Sent from my Phone using Tapatalk

Consider the Help Manual's section on booting issues at
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Try to use waitusb script when booting from the live startup screen.
Thanks Jerry, Torreydale, and Minesheep - I will check out the help Manual re:booting and may also try what Jerry suggested. I’m not sure exactly what I’d need to do re: waitusb so won’t try that.

This small laptop has a touch screen and because of Jerry’s comment I’m wondering if that’s the issue...

Since I’m a noobie with respect to Linux I may elect to simply stay with LL 3.8 on this machine.

I will check things out and go from there.
Just hit tab key in the boot screen and type " waitusb" without the quotes but with space and then hit enter. The end should be "-- waitusb"

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