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How much space on HD does LL 3.4 take?
I have put LL 3.4 on two Chromebooks both have 2GB RAM and only 16 GB HD (or I guess accurately they have SSD).

On the one on which I am setting things up I noticed that when I do the df -h in terminal to see how much space I have unused it "appears" that I am currently at 92% full.  Is this possible? 

I had continued to do updates since initially installing LL 3.4 and when I tried to load Ktouch a typing program it indicated not enough room (when I checked df -h then it said 99%) so I went back to an earlier restore point and it read 86%.

So my two questions are:
1) is it possible that with the updates it is now taking about 14-15 GB?
2) Should I stop doing updates as might "not completely updating" cause more of an issue than not updating?

I'm not too concerned about high school study stuff as I had already figured I would use a small 32 GB USB (the short ones so it doesn't stick out) and leave it always attached.


Try the command lsblk to verify the actual size of the partitions. For example, I have a 20G drive in this virtual machine but only 18.6 is available to sda1.

scott@litevm:~$ lsblk
sda      8:0    0  20G  0 disk
├─sda1  8:1    0 18.6G  0 part /
├─sda2  8:2    0    1K  0 part
└─sda5  8:5    0  1.4G  0 part [SWAP]
sr0    11:0    1 1024M  0 rom
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
Hi [member=7067]JanetBiggar[/member]
Quote:so I went back to an earlier restore point and it read 86%
Depending on the amount of data, restore points can take quite some space on hdd. I remember when I first installed LL 3.6, it was a dual boot set up with Windows and for my purposes I only assigned 30gb from Windows for that. I think I had created like 3 or 4 "restore points" when I noticed how little space was left in LL partition, it was like 98% used, so I checked restore points sizes and found they were about 4gb each. How many restores points have you made? Check that out and see how much space they're taking, if you have more than one or two and happen to be very big, delete the older ones and leave but 1 only. In case you want/need to create a new one I suggest you delete the old one after checking everything's working as it's supposed to of course; create the new one, check everything's working fine, delete the old one. 
Hope this helps! Smile
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Good thought, I think I have 4 restore points and interestingly the oldest was highlited in red (I’m not sure what that is suppose to mean, but maybe has something to do with this issue...).

I will check, delete earlier ones and see.

FTR, a clean LL install takes around 6gb space.

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