01-31-2016, 07:58 PM
This morning after installing LL 2.8 on my Dell laptop and Gateway notebook I learned something new to me that I thought might be of interest to others. The background is that I had noticed that my notebook's display seemed a bit sharper with another distribution, Arch Linux with an LXDE desktop, with which LL shares a dual boot.
It turns out that the display of fonts can easily be just as sharp in Linux Lite, if you know what to do. Go to Linux Lite Control Center >> Appearance >> Fonts and look at the sub-menu item Rendering. The default for "Sub-pixel order" was None. When I set it to RGB my fonts became much sharper. (The same was true on my Dell Latitude E6410.)
There is also an entry called Hinting. I experimented with this until I got the nicest rendering of my LL font of choice, Sans Bold.
Now the best setting for these depends on what display your computer is using, so your best settings might be different from mine. Fortunately, they are easy to play with and you can immediately see the results on the screen. Also, messing with these probably won't break anything, and you can always go back.
I'd never really paid any attention to these settings, assuming that their install defaults (which I suspect go back to Ubuntu) were optimal. As an Old Dog I'm always happy to learn a new trick and increase my enjoyment of LL even more.
Andy N1KSN
It turns out that the display of fonts can easily be just as sharp in Linux Lite, if you know what to do. Go to Linux Lite Control Center >> Appearance >> Fonts and look at the sub-menu item Rendering. The default for "Sub-pixel order" was None. When I set it to RGB my fonts became much sharper. (The same was true on my Dell Latitude E6410.)
There is also an entry called Hinting. I experimented with this until I got the nicest rendering of my LL font of choice, Sans Bold.
Now the best setting for these depends on what display your computer is using, so your best settings might be different from mine. Fortunately, they are easy to play with and you can immediately see the results on the screen. Also, messing with these probably won't break anything, and you can always go back.
I'd never really paid any attention to these settings, assuming that their install defaults (which I suspect go back to Ubuntu) were optimal. As an Old Dog I'm always happy to learn a new trick and increase my enjoyment of LL even more.
Andy N1KSN