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impossible booting after grub repair
Hello all,

I'm new to linuxlite, and I ran into a small problem, or I thought....
I had a little argument with my computer, and had to restore grub.
But by mistake, I checked an option ''purge kernel before reinstalling'' with ubuntu boot repair app,
and during the process, my laptop battery died, before the whole process could end.

So now, my system won't boot, I'm stuck on splash screen forever.
Ok, I could install it anew, but I have only one partition. my home folder I can access with a live
system on  CD or USB and I could backup my files.

But ... I spent many hours tweaking it to my linking and I was wondering if I could use
a live cd to boot, before chroot in and restore the thing?

Edit : more info on the problem
grub directory is almost empty, no image, no initrd, no vmlinuz.
So is there a way to chroot to this system, and rebuild everything in order to boot from it that any of you know of ?
If you created a Systemback restore point, you could boot to a LL version 2.6 Live CD, start Systemback, and attempt a restore of your system that way.  If that doesn't work, I would really suggest a rebuild as you stated.  Anything more than 90 minutes trying to troubleshoot this isn't worth the time, unless you're wanting to take this as a learning opportunity.  But from your post, it seems you just want to get back up and running.

If you do rebuild, I would suggest creating a separate home partition.  After you get the laptop to the way you want it, I would suggest creating a Systemback restore point and investigating a program called Aptik (if you haven't already heard of it).  A separate home partition, Systemback, and Aptik can cut the time it takes to get back up and running (depending on Internet speed) to 75 minutes or less, in my opinion.  I couldn't say that when I was running Windows.

Again, I get it if you are curious and want to see if you can put your Linux Humpty Dumpty back together again.  But if you just want to get back to where you were as fast as possible, consider what I wrote above.  If I were your GNU/Linux buddy who lived next door, that's what I would do for you.
Want to thank me?  Click my [Thank] link.
Thanks for the reply.

Well, what I wanted at first, was to boot from a rescue CD and restore the boot system, so I can get back everything the way I tweaked it.

But, even if I could get into this system, I have no clue about re-creating the kernel, boot images, and initramfs. I think I became lazy a few years back when I start trying Ubuntu instead of running gentoo. The Out of the box experience is great when you get older, and, even if you have some apps you like to use over others, you still can install them in a few clicks.

So, as I didn't place a restore point with systemback yet, I think, I'd better rebuild the system from the start. It's too much trouble for now.

And I'll get a separate partition for my home folder, as I use to have on my desktop, laptopp has a small hard drive, so didn't think of it at first...

Thanks, anyway, I'll investigate the tools you mentionned, and I'll try to pay attention next time ! Smile

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