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Converted family member to use LinuxLite
I have been loving LL since the day i downloaded it, and my spouse has noticed that i am not having issues with anything. Yet she will not switch because of various games (bigfish) she plays on windows(the only reason really using the computer), then one day last month she was trying to use Skype on her new Dell laptop andWin8. I noticed she was having a hell of a time getting it to work, so without saying anything i installed Skype and it loaded fine on my LL laptop(6years old). I asked her "what are your login credentials?", she was right next to me not noticing what i was doing. I logged in with her credentials without a hitch, i just handed her my laptop and said "here you go, let me know if you need anything". Needless to say she now has her own profile/login for LinuxLite now, but still apprehensive about installing LinuxLite on her laptop. Fear, imagine what we could do without it.........Now on to the mother in-law.
*Hardware hacks are my speciality.
"forum posts should be like a skirt- long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting"
--I am using/Running Linuxlite 2.8, Debian8 server, Ubuntu 14, Win7,Win10, MX15, LinuxMint kde.
--Xerox field service engineer, printer repairs,network analyst.
Oh , great news mate ! Keep it going on .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
Hello technomancer,

reputation point added, keep up the good work on the conversions  Smile 
Baby steps Smile
Can you use wubi with LL or install virtualbox and LL on that.

If you install LL in virtualbox on your machine and configure it for her you can then export the virtual machine and then import it into her virtualbox.

Said the old lunatic
[Image: Fool_zpso4jrl7py.gif]
Yeah i already tried the Virtual Machine route, TOO many options for her to figure out. Some things don't work, you know the story.
Mostly she gets confused by the "OTHER" OS on her computer at the same time, which is what I run into 99% of the time with people who run VM's. I see a trend that people "forget" things are running or get confused by the whole idea.They love to just hold down the power button and shut down instead of waiting on everything. It understand it, I own VMware and have 25 VM's. It's like speaking Chinese to a Greek, they hear but don't understand. They just want simple ON/OFF at one time. I would love if windows software could just run on Linux but "If ALL software was able to run on ALL computers then where is the profit for the big corporations, being sarcastic ..........." The privatization and "for profit" is ruining computers, now every detail of a system is an "addon" that is charged for, and figuring out what things are is impossible thanks to ADs, lots and lots of ADs. Most people dont know the first 3 results in google are ads, even though it says they are "paid advertisements". Don't even get me started on the education system, LOL.
So for the moment she is happy just logging in on the spare laptop i setup, and plays her mindless games on the main one, productivity isn't an issue with this situation. The real problem I always have is that everyone thinks a computer "is"windows, kinda like a car salesman saying Ford is a car not a brand. Most people don't care is what i run into, they just want  a computer that will do EVERYTHING without messing with it. Bad part is these are the people who think windows is fine, what other choice is there besides a MAC. Nobody that is on a computer for "work" really cares what runs it, just that it will "do" or run the programs they need for play or work. LL is a good start, but honestly nobody outside of my geeky friends(i have 1, rest don't get it) knows what i'm talking about or understands that there is a problem.  Ever seen the movie Idiocracy, i see it everyday, not just with computer stuff, cooking, buying tea, how to change a tire, list goes on and on and on.

Knowledge in the hands of an idiot is dangerous.Keep it straight forward, simple, and setup EVERYTHING before converting somebody.
*Hardware hacks are my speciality.
"forum posts should be like a skirt- long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting"
--I am using/Running Linuxlite 2.8, Debian8 server, Ubuntu 14, Win7,Win10, MX15, LinuxMint kde.
--Xerox field service engineer, printer repairs,network analyst.
Quote:Yeah i already tried the Virtual Machine route, TOO many options for her to figure out. Some things don't work, you know the story.
I'm very interested in your problem, would you have any interest if I put a .vdi together for her?

I live in sheltered accomodation with old folk waiting to die and I've put a few linux machines together for them but I never mention Linux it's just my windows, the windows I use, it's easier than business windows.

I'm just changing my isp on the 4th and I hope to have a server then with on it so I can put a decent support system together.

If you right click on the Linux machine in virtualbox and create a desktop launcher and give it a good big icon, business users are used to working with desktop icons not using menus so give them what they're used to.
[Image: 3yPIiob.png]

That will just boot straight into Linux so then you need a user friendly desktop which I fancy my chances with. Does she, will she use Firefox? because a good default Firefox profile is sadly missing from all Linux distros said the silly old man :Smile

Regards the rest of text everything done on desktop windows is commercial, the only desktop that was written for non business folk is mobile stuff.
Thank You very much for that offer. However i have already done all that and it just sits unused, or she will change a config and not remember what or where it was. So that is why im baby stepping her to Linux, one App at a time. But she can never fully switch due to the apps she wants/needs/plays just dont work in linux.
We don't use "profiles" with firefox, too risky having personal info out there. She is well versed in computers, but just doesn't "get" Linux is all, too many options she says, easy to mess up. Which is true, i've lost my menue bar and apps several times by accident in the past. The command line is not an option for her, thats all she does at work is search records from an antiquated dos system for the county. I wouldnt want to use the CLI either, lol. How primitive i believe, havn't we advanced beyond that yet. Well those are just my thoughts.
She see's the value, security angles etc. but just is not going to invest time to learn a new OS. I get it, thats why i will support her. hmmmmmmmm, paid remote support?  Looking forward to hearing others stories. 
*Hardware hacks are my speciality.
"forum posts should be like a skirt- long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting"
--I am using/Running Linuxlite 2.8, Debian8 server, Ubuntu 14, Win7,Win10, MX15, LinuxMint kde.
--Xerox field service engineer, printer repairs,network analyst.
Quote:We don't use "profiles" with firefox, too risky having personal info out there.
I don't understand what profiles have got to do with "personal info out there" a profile is just a folder on your hdd, I keep my profiles on a data partition so that any OS on my machine uses the same profile. She could use the same profile for windows and Linux.

Quote:I wouldnt want to use the CLI either, lol. How primitive i believe, havn't we advanced beyond that yet
When windows moved from dos(terminal) to a windows GUI they buried the "command line" deep in the menu away from normal users but Linux users still keep getting told to use it.

The taskbar/panel has barely changed since win 95.

I'm hoping/expecting Ikey Docherty to change a lot of things with Evolve OS with his new Linux base and budgie desktop and window manager, he recently mentioned a wacking big menu even if it covered the desktop which sounds like big icons to click on and the menu being seperated from the panel at last. No more bl**dy tree menus and lines of text to click on?

One of my ladies just uses a browser and skype so they both auto start but I put three big icons on her desktop, Browser, skype and a big red shut down button in case she closed an app by mistake and I only put the windows buttons and an analogue clock in the panel.

She's stiil happy with her machine but it's new computor users I work with not ones with bad habits.

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