I recently got my first RC quad, it is a small quad E010, it's the first one to arrive, to try RC, it is an indoors one.
One more will arrive in a few weeks, it will be another quad called E012, it's a smaller sized model than E010 it is 65mm x 65mm.
I would like to know if any members like, or use quad/drones, or other RC type vehicles currently, or in the past ?
Which type of ones did you try using, have currently, or had previously ?
Does anyone hack/tweak their RC stuff ?
Or does anyone hack RC profiles with Linux and devo, taranis radio or others ?
I don't understand it just seen one video of setting radio, it didn't show adding of code but the setting up of E010 on devo radio, it mentioned that the code is done using Linux.
Which YouTube channels did you find useful when first try it, your favorites now, or do you have channel for this ?
Stats lol, I crashed at least 200 times, I managed to do flips, one time I managed to do 4 flips one after another and not crash it, several times I managed to do 2 flips, ceiling height is 2.3 metres.
Mostly I fly it like 20 or 30 seconds before crashing it.
It came with one battery of 30C and its charger, I also got a pack of 5 batteries that is 45C each and a charger, coz I really need the practice
Flight "hours" (minutes) so far, x3 charges of the 30C, x6 uses of a 45C. (eg I used 6 times a 45C battery, not 6 times 5 batteries etc) I used one again since recharging them all.
I don't have a camera for it yet, I need to learn to fly it more first. Pick right mountings and hoop for my crashes lol, and that is coordinated if possible.
I recently got my first RC quad, it is a small quad E010, it's the first one to arrive, to try RC, it is an indoors one.
One more will arrive in a few weeks, it will be another quad called E012, it's a smaller sized model than E010 it is 65mm x 65mm.
I would like to know if any members like, or use quad/drones, or other RC type vehicles currently, or in the past ?
Which type of ones did you try using, have currently, or had previously ?
Does anyone hack/tweak their RC stuff ?
Or does anyone hack RC profiles with Linux and devo, taranis radio or others ?
I don't understand it just seen one video of setting radio, it didn't show adding of code but the setting up of E010 on devo radio, it mentioned that the code is done using Linux.
Which YouTube channels did you find useful when first try it, your favorites now, or do you have channel for this ?
Stats lol, I crashed at least 200 times, I managed to do flips, one time I managed to do 4 flips one after another and not crash it, several times I managed to do 2 flips, ceiling height is 2.3 metres.
Mostly I fly it like 20 or 30 seconds before crashing it.
It came with one battery of 30C and its charger, I also got a pack of 5 batteries that is 45C each and a charger, coz I really need the practice
Flight "hours" (minutes) so far, x3 charges of the 30C, x6 uses of a 45C. (eg I used 6 times a 45C battery, not 6 times 5 batteries etc) I used one again since recharging them all.
I don't have a camera for it yet, I need to learn to fly it more first. Pick right mountings and hoop for my crashes lol, and that is coordinated if possible.