10-10-2014, 11:54 AM
Great news on netflix. 
I've noticed this:
lite-software doesn't check for libnss3
This can be fixed like this:
This is an idea:
In the installer script "netflix"
You can insert the check at the begining ( just after INSTALL_ICON and APPNAME) to test if the the packages google-chrome-stable and libnss3 are installed.
And if they are, to display a message or maybe even a question like:"Netflix is installed. Do you want to open www.netflix.com now?
Then you can remove this line:
If you already have the Google Chrome Web Browser installed, cancel
this installation now and head over to https://ww.netflix.com/ to start
using Netflix on Linux Lite.
One more idea. This kind of check can be used in all of the install scripts.
And nice work on this line:
I like it. Now you can add that question back to the scripts: Do you want to start $APPNAME?

I've noticed this:
lite-software doesn't check for libnss3
This can be fixed like this:
test_netflix1=(`apt-cache policy google-chrome-stable | grep "Installed:"`)
test_netflix2=(`apt-cache policy libnss3 | grep "Installed:"`)
if [ "${test_netflix1[1]}" != "(none)" ] && [ "${test_netflix2[1]}" != "(none)" ];then
netflix=("FALSE" "Netflix" "Multimedia" "Installed" "A popular streaming tv and movie service (Installs Chrome, account required)" )
netflix=("FALSE" "Netflix" "Multimedia" "Not Installed" "A popular streaming tv and movie service (Installs Chrome, account required)" )
This is an idea:
In the installer script "netflix"
You can insert the check at the begining ( just after INSTALL_ICON and APPNAME) to test if the the packages google-chrome-stable and libnss3 are installed.
And if they are, to display a message or maybe even a question like:"Netflix is installed. Do you want to open www.netflix.com now?
# Test
test_netflix1=(`apt-cache policy google-chrome-stable | grep "Installed:"`)
test_netflix2=(`apt-cache policy libnss3 | grep "Installed:"`)
if [ "${test_netflix1[1]}" != "(none)" ] && [ "${test_netflix2[1]}" != "(none)" ];then
zenity --info --title="$APPNAME Installer" --window-icon="${INSTALL_ICON}" --text="Netflix is allready installed."
exit 0
If you already have the Google Chrome Web Browser installed, cancel
this installation now and head over to https://ww.netflix.com/ to start
using Netflix on Linux Lite.
One more idea. This kind of check can be used in all of the install scripts.

And nice work on this line:
sudo -u '#1000' -H sh -c "google-chrome-stable http://www.netflix.com"