11-02-2015, 09:15 PM
I expected LinuxLite to be a lot easier for people who just want a easy to use PC that would allow them to use a computer for hobbies etc they want it for and not to be a Computer Hobbyist.
Linux may have come a long way but I am confused by all the branches it has taken especially when I have a problem and try to find help on the internet . It appears to be out of control without any overall aim . If all the effort was channeled into a few distros with individual aims to supply a distro for different sorts of users " like a Windows replacement" etc the progress should be better .
Whilst I appreciate all the help I have received I would have preferred not to have needed to seek help in the first place . I just want to get on with actually using a computer for my purposes Unfortunately the people with Computer knowledge who help us often use the CLI instead of GUI solutions . That is OK from their point of view when they understand what they are talking about . To me using the CLI as being told by an expert is similar to blindly following a Sat Nav > Turn left > turn Right etc and end up over a cliff because I do not know what direction I should be heading
I was happy with Linuxlite when it works as I want it to but I am finding the learning curve too high especially needing to use CLI when I encounter problems . I want to be led by the hand by an easy to understand program with dialogue that gives me an idea of what is needed . Even a lot of the GUI programs documentation leaves a lot to be desired .
One sad thing about Computer Program use and Electronics etc is we are often not even told everything that they should be able do .
The designer/ Programmer "should know" what he has done and tell us ? How do we know if something is working correctly if we do not know its facilities. Getting them to do it is another problem .
Even a Tree view of what it can do would help to guide us where to look. Computers were supposed to make life easier and be able to give us help . They cannot even help us diagnose their own problems (eg Error 12345) but no link to where we might try to find what it means or how to fix it .(eg ask your System Administrator) Thats when I have to start talking to myself as I am both ?
Take Me to the Madhouse-- Please
Colin >

I Learn something new Every Day !
An "example" is worth a 1000 words
An "example" is worth a 1000 words