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Brother printer: how to install both as USB and as wireless?
I am running Linux Lite 5.2, and I am new to it (but not to Ubuntu and Debian). Linux Lite was love at first sight Smile

Thanks to the excellent I could easily install my Brother MFC-J497DW as a wireless printer, i.e., specified IB address. However, sometimes I have to use it without net in USB mode. While it was equally easy to install my printer with USB mode, following the link above, I could not install two different printers at the same time, one for WiFi and one for USB. The problem is, each time I install the USB type, it will make the wireless disappear, and vice versa. It is very annoying to do a new install each time I need a different mode. Viz. with my HP Deskjet 2630 and hplip it is an easy task to accomplish this, creating just two different named printers from one machine.

Does anybody here know, please, how to do this with a Brother printer?


I found a good solution to have both USB and wireless printing. Will report later, LL is verrrrry slow right now.
(03-19-2021, 07:11 AM)litecub link Wrote: I found a good solution...
Here is the solution to have two different printer queues, one for USB and one for Wifi, for one and the same single printer. The solution is easy for Ubuntu 18.04. For my LL 5.2, it needs a little bit of daring administration:

1) Install Brother MFC-J497DW as USB as described above with the Brother  linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.2-1. Say "N" to "will you specify the URI?".

2) Rename printer queue. That is easy with Ubuntu 18.04, but tricky with LL 5.2. I found it somewhere in the net: as Admin go to

a) Make a Backup of the file printers.conf. In the file printers.conf change only one line, [tt]<Printer MFCJ497DW>[/tt] to [tt]<Printer MFCJ497DWusb>[/tt].
b) open directory ppd and rename MFCJ497DW.ppd to MFCJ497DWusb.
Reboot and in LL Menu > Printers you will have 1 printer queue, i.e., MFCJ497DWusb. Fine!

3) Do step 1) again, but this time Say "Y" to "will you specify the URI?" and follow the instructions as already described in my top post and in For scanner install use same ip address as for printer install.

4) Rename this new net printer queue MFCJ497DW to MFCJ497DWnet, as described above in 2), but of course use add "net" and not "usb".

You will now have the desired two printer queues one for wireless, the other for USB if the router is temporarily out of action, and both will print and scan like champions :048:

Good work [member=46892]litecub[/member]  Smile

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