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gdebi gui stuck on desktop
Hi, I'm a longtime (15+ years) xubuntu user. My gf had Win7 on her desktop, for which MS is dropping support soon. She's never used Linux, so I decided to switch her over to something simple. I did some research and settled on LL for several reasons, top among them: I'm going to be the one managing it, I like the ubuntu lts, I have a lot of experience with xfce, I like synaptic, and I wanted a simple user interface. LL had them all.

She uses Chrome. After installing LL, I went to the link google gave for it, and clicked download. The option came up to install it with gdebi. I selected it. Then, I couldn't get gdebi to go away, no matter how many times I clicked the top right X or right clicked and selected close. So, I went to the terminal manager, searched for it, found it, and killed it. It was still there. I can minimize it, but it still shows in the panel.

So, I logged out. When I logged back in, it's still there. I checked the task manager, but it's not showing.

I looked for it in the app finder, but it doesn't show on a search.

I opened it up using the terminal. Another instance of it opened and closed easily, but the old one is still there and won't go away.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.
jerryc, not to be confused with the real Jerry who developed this distro.
Try rebooting and what it sort of sounds like as I had some issues while fixing things before is an update was also going on at the same time. This is just speculation though. I would reboot, update the system, reboot again the make a folder and copy or move the chrome package into that folder, go to that folder then open up a terminal in that folder and
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
Yes. Rebooting worked. Thanks.

Developers should be aware, nonetheless.
jerryc, not to be confused with the real Jerry who developed this distro.

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