I'm trying to get the absolute value of an integer on my LL 4.0 machine. I'd like to use it in the command line. I looked up the man pages for the abs command, and it comes up there. But when I try to use the abs command, it says:
Command 'abs' not found, did you mean...
Then it lists some other things.
I'm puzzled why abs comes up in man pages but it won't work on command-line.
Anyway, the problem is, I can't find how to actually get the absolute value of an integer. Is there a different method I should use?
Command 'abs' not found, did you mean...
Then it lists some other things.
I'm puzzled why abs comes up in man pages but it won't work on command-line.
Anyway, the problem is, I can't find how to actually get the absolute value of an integer. Is there a different method I should use?
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