Hi, all,
I feel fairly confident with Linux now that I can research this problem on my own, but may still need to ask for help. That said, I do have a work-around. I post this for now in case anyone else has the same problem.
Two other common faults have been identified on this specific laptop's USB ports with this make and model of USB stick (for completeness):-
I feel fairly confident with Linux now that I can research this problem on my own, but may still need to ask for help. That said, I do have a work-around. I post this for now in case anyone else has the same problem.
- Description: On inserting (mounting) a USB stick, sometimes there appears to be (significantly) less space than ought to be available. Note: This is not the usual case of a USB stick having a little less space than advertized. On deleting existing files, the USB stick does not show any additional space. Operation so far only tested on Thunar (the file manager); not tested yet using the terminal. File system is FAT-32.
- Hardware (laptop): Only seems to be happening on one of my two otherwise identical laptops. Possible hardware fault?
- Hardware (USB stick): Kingston DataTraveller G4 16Gb (rated as Linux-compatible). FAT-32.
- Software (file manager): Thunar 1.6.11
- Linux Kernel: 4.4.0-110-generic (LL 3.6 64bit).
- Hypothesis: Due to an as yet unknown cause, although the files are removed from the list, the space is not being freed up on the USB stick. As a result, repeated deletion is resulting is ever-decreasing available space for file storage.
- Work-around: Carefully reformat the USB stick using GParted (Menu/System/Partition Drives). Carefully, because you don't want to format your hard drive or partitions! Unmounting and re-formatting USB stick (to FAT-32 again) frees up the space. Again, not tested formatting from terminal.
Two other common faults have been identified on this specific laptop's USB ports with this make and model of USB stick (for completeness):-
- As reported previously, Linux doesn't appear to like any USB extension cable I have tried (be aware). Work-around: Don't use USB extension cables!
- When mounting a Kanguru Flashtrust USB3.0 SecureFirmware USB stick (8Gb), USB sticks mounted afterwards report read-only until fresh boot. (This happens in Thunar; but also the default file manager in Ubuntu/Unity.) Work-around: Reboot!
Don't worry about artificial intelligence. Worry about natural stupidity.