Hiya and welcome.
Though not new to Linux, first experimented in the dark days back in 1999, a lot has changed, and for me Linux lite has succeeded where the heavier distros have failed, and where other light distros have also not quite made it for myself, one thing to understand with this distro is, use the package manager (Synaptics) to install any further software you may need ... find exactly what you may be looking for may take some time as it's a large list of both programs and other softwares, so asking what can meet your needs here may be what you want to do and then use the search function in Synaptics to find the program, I was glad to find that Password Gorilla was in the list as I have been along time user of Password Safe and Gorilla supports the database file.
Don't be afraid, the install routine will partition your hard drive and use about half for LL, your XP will still be there in the Boot Menu for you to choose if you should use it, I am using LL exclusively on a Vista Dual Core Laptop that was given to me that had a failed HDD, and I have not once felt the need for Windows on that machine, it's also on partners old P4 1.8 laptop and dual booting on another laptop here as well as being the sole OS on a 2gig Celeron POS that the previous owner had had enough of and gave it to me, all these machines run brilliantly on it, some have only 512mb RAM.
Post split from other persons thread.
Though not new to Linux, first experimented in the dark days back in 1999, a lot has changed, and for me Linux lite has succeeded where the heavier distros have failed, and where other light distros have also not quite made it for myself, one thing to understand with this distro is, use the package manager (Synaptics) to install any further software you may need ... find exactly what you may be looking for may take some time as it's a large list of both programs and other softwares, so asking what can meet your needs here may be what you want to do and then use the search function in Synaptics to find the program, I was glad to find that Password Gorilla was in the list as I have been along time user of Password Safe and Gorilla supports the database file.
Don't be afraid, the install routine will partition your hard drive and use about half for LL, your XP will still be there in the Boot Menu for you to choose if you should use it, I am using LL exclusively on a Vista Dual Core Laptop that was given to me that had a failed HDD, and I have not once felt the need for Windows on that machine, it's also on partners old P4 1.8 laptop and dual booting on another laptop here as well as being the sole OS on a 2gig Celeron POS that the previous owner had had enough of and gave it to me, all these machines run brilliantly on it, some have only 512mb RAM.
Post split from other persons thread.
I'm just this guy ... Y'know!?
Registered Linux User 533331
Registered Linux User 533331