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another big MeSs
Well MS has managed to mess up the fall update for Windows 10, and they actually have yet to fix it, which is not a surprise to some insiders who actually warned against the new update implementation as suffering from mismatched protocols in some patches, since on the inside in their attempt to use a new sync script and tool they have caused the update to un-sync and delete the existing user documents folder. The great and laughable thing is, it is simply not repairable as it is, which means the entire update must be redone, and of course anyone who has lost work cannot run their computers at all if they hope to recover their files undamaged. The rumor is: and I also think it is the case, that some recent OS security implementations are the cause and will have to be rolled back first.

Lucky you can use your Linux system to get your MS files back.
And you can find it in synaptic.
So if your Windows 10 machine has to take a timeout, just let it pout in a corner for now, and fire up a nice new Linux OS.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
I installed Windows 10 1809 when it was released. I was surprised as it was a week before update Tuesday. You will also find the new version suffers from freeze-up's & some .exe programs won't run. The OS freezes & crashes. CCleaner & VLC come to mind. I'll have to dig through those folders in the basement for my install disk of Windows 2000. Except for the BSoD, it worked. I wonder if Jerry would do the full release of Linux Lite 4.2 early? I'm ready for the treat, had my trick.
I'm just kicking back, sipping imaginary cocktails in the sunshine that is Linux having kicked Windows a year ago.  Says it all that I've only posted here occasionally to things like this, since I've had no problems despite multiple updates and an upgrade.

Keep up the good work, Jerry and team!  Big Grin
Don't worry about artificial intelligence.  Worry about natural stupidity.  Smile

BTW, stopping the Windows Update service is not enough if you have not already tried it.
Added a voluntary incrorrect logon to the service to prevent it to start AND I had to create dummy read only files in the C: and c:\Windows folders to "prevent" problems with theses "update features".
Funny, I did the same trick a few years back for a virus. Seems to hold for now... sheesh!

- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.

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