04-22-2014, 09:24 PM
Hello fellow users. My first time here at the forums. My name is Shadow. We installed Linux Lite to our main PC(Well I did actually lol) as we don't have the money to upgrade to Windows 7 or 8 or even buy a new PC altogether. Linux seemed to be the only option for us as it's free to download and install sooo, we went with Linux Lite since it's meant to be good with older hardware so far am impressed by it's speedy performance. We've just moved from Windows XP to Linux Lite as it was the only distro we could find that would run on our old PC. It will be our first year with Linux. I do have a question though hope this isn't too much trouble to answer.
Okay so we have one main PC with 3 user accounts. One admin(me) and two normal accounts, the problem is when the other two normal accounts wants to shutdown the pc after use the system keeps asking for my admin password which starting to get annoying for the other two users. How can I make the computer shutdown without the need of my admin password? The version of Linux Lite where using is 1.0.8 32bit on a Dell machine.
Anyone reply thanks for the help. Oh and great OS keep up the good work!
Okay so we have one main PC with 3 user accounts. One admin(me) and two normal accounts, the problem is when the other two normal accounts wants to shutdown the pc after use the system keeps asking for my admin password which starting to get annoying for the other two users. How can I make the computer shutdown without the need of my admin password? The version of Linux Lite where using is 1.0.8 32bit on a Dell machine.
Anyone reply thanks for the help. Oh and great OS keep up the good work!