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black screen aftter instaling Linux Lite
I am a new Linux user. I replaced an old laptop running win7 with Linux lite. I got to the login screen. I then pressed the restart button and my screen went black. I tried to Re boot few time but still getting only a black screen. I tried to press several keys as suggest by other posts in web without any success. Please help
Did you already do the actual installation to the hard drive and are having problems booting into it?

Or, are you having problems booting the computer with the "live" DVD/USB?

Sounds like you already installed, but can't boot into it.  If that is the case, boot again with your live DVD/USB and open a terminal window.  Enter the following three commands one-at-a-time (hit ENTER after each one).

inxi -Fxz
sudo os-prober
sudo parted -l
(Last command ends in a lowercase letter "L", not the number 1.)

Follow directions on this post to copy entire terminal output and paste it back here to the forum within "Code blocks" so we can read it easily.

Also, can you describe in a little more detail exactly what is happening?  Does it boot straight to a black screen, or does the black screen happen after entering your password to login?  Is LL now the only OS on the computer, or are you dual-booting with Win 7?
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Hi Thank you for your reply.

Sorry for being unclear in my original post. my problem is that it gets booted straight to a black screen and I can not do anything. and yes Linux is the only OS now.

Please boot the computer again with the live DVD/USB that you installed from.  Then open a terminal (there's a launcher for it along bottom left of lower panel) and enter the commands I noted above.  Follow instructions on link provided above for posting back here with the output of those commands.

In addition to above, one more question:  does everything seem to work okay when you're running from the live DVD/USB?

P.s.  After you've posted back here with info requested, while waiting for one of us to reply back have a look through the Install section of the Help Manual.  Maybe you didn't do the install quite right and looking through that section might help you see if you made any mistakes.
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