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[Solved]PAE is disabled on this Pentium M
I'm trying to install LL from CD, but this PAE error comes up. I've looked online for information on it, but it goes over my noob head.

Can anyone help me figure out how to enable PAE? It says it's disabled by default. I'm installing it on a 2006 Dell Latitude 110L.

Thanks! If you need more info, I'll be glad to supply it.
I'm a total newbie at this game but I also had a PAE problem with an old Asus.

I used LL 1.8 as it does not need PAE

But the wizards will guide you better than I can.

Something to try whilst they surface.

Quote:1.0.8 did unfortunately ship with a PAE kernel, we later found out that all Ubuntu 32bit kernels from 12.04 onwards shipped with PAE Sad The only Linux Lite to ever ship a non-pae was this one - old, but still supported until 2017.
LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
Thanks for the info guys. I'll burn the older version and try to run that.

rokytnji posted a link to another thread for you.  The second reply in that thread pointed to a potential solution on Linux Mint site that will very likely also work for Linux Lite 2.0.  To sum up, from Linux Mint:

Quote:Booting with non-PAE CPUs

To boot Linux Mint 17 on non-PAE CPUs, please append "forcepae" to your boot arguments. At the boot menu of the live DVD/USB, press Tab to edit the boot arguments and add "forcepae" at the end of the line.

Have you tried doing that?  It should work.
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Thanks for that. Well, I started the CD and hit tab. Then I added the forcepae after the line. In the start Linux lite part, it would just freeze and nothing would really happen except dots on the screen. In the start Linux lite with safe mode, it looked like it would boot, then have the PAE error again.

So I'm not sure if either I'm entering it wrong in the wrong section or my com just doesn't work with the PAE thing or what. I was going to burn the older non PAE version, but the source forge link said it was a gig and I only have CDs that hold 700 MBS.

Not sure what to do now as this xp laptop is sluggish and not secure.

Thanks for the help though.
Unfortunately I don't have a computer to test that "forcepae" on myself.  If it didn't work then I guess there isn't much you can do except put older version on the computer.

You might be able to install the old version by making a live USB with the ISO file, then use Plop Boot Manager (on a CD) to boot the USB stick.  Just download Plop, burn it to a CD, boot computer with both the Plop CD and the live USB plugged-in and Plop should offer choice to boot the USB.  (Use something like UnetBootin to make your live USB.)

Another alternative would be to use another distro that offers non-pae kernels.  One nice one I've tested out is MX-14.  It is similar to Linux Lite, easy to use and also uses the same Xfce desktop environment.  Here is their download page:  Just scroll down to the non-pae option.  I checked and the size of download is 698MB, so should fit on a CD.
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I appreciate your help, Gold Finger. I got one better for you though... I got it working Smile

All I did was add a space in between the hyphens and the forcepae:

Instead of --forcepae
I did this -- forcepae

Thanks a whole bunch for the help. Maybe that little space can help others out too. We can mark this baby as solved Smile
Great job!

Yes, the space makes a difference and I should have thought of that.  Glad you figured it out and got everything going.
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